The Difference Between Art and Design 文章.docVIP

The Difference Between Art and Design 文章.doc

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The Difference Between Art and Design 文章

The Difference Between Art and Design 艺术与设计之异 The subject of what separates art and design is convoluted and has been debated for a long time.关于究竟是神马鬼东西区分了艺术和设计的课题是这么的绕,并已经历了长期的争论。 Artists and designers both create visual compositions using a shared knowledge base, but their reasons for doing so are entirely different.艺术家和设计师都运用相同的知识储备来创设视觉奇观,但他们行动的依据是迥然不同的。 Some designers consider themselves artists, but few artists consider themselves designers.有些设计师自认为是艺术家,但认为自己是设计师的艺术家寥若晨星。 So what exactly is the difference between art and design? In this post, we’ll examine and compare some of the core principles of each craft.然则,究竟是神马东西区分了艺术和设计?在这份通讯中,我们将探讨并区分两种工艺各自的一些核心原则。 This is a subject that people have strong opinions about, and I’m looking forward to reading the various points of view in the comments.这是一个人们固执己见的话题,而且个人很期待在评论中读到各种各样的意见。 This post isn’t a definitive guide, but rather the starting point for a conversation, so let’s be open-minded!这篇通讯并非是确定的指示性文件,而不过是引玉之砖,因此让我们敞开心胸,广开言路。 Good Art Inspires. Good Design Motivates.好艺术启智,好设计动人。 Perhaps the most fundamental difference between art and design that we can all agree on is their purposes.或许艺术和设计之间最本质的世所公认之区别便是它们目的不同。 Typically, the process of creating a work of art starts with nothing, a blank canvas. A work of art stems from a view or opinion or feeling that the artist holds within him or herself.最具代表性的,艺术作品之创作过程始于无物,譬如一张白帆布。一件艺术作品源自艺术家内心中的一种观点、见解或感受。 They create the art to share that feeling with others, to allow the viewers to relate to it, learn from it or be inspired by it.他们创设一种艺术以同他们分享这份感受,让他们来欣赏、受教、得到启发。 The most renowned (and successful) works of art today are those that establish the strongest emotional bond between the artist and their audience.今时最富盛誉而成功的作品都是那些在艺术家和受众间建立起最强情感纽带的。 By contrast, when a designer sets out to create a new piece, they almost always have a fixed starting point, whether a message, an image, an idea or an action.相比之下,一个着手创作新作品的设计师,总是有一个固定的起始点——或是一条信息、一幅图像、一个理念、一个举动。 The designer’s


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