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智慧的声音:八句发人深省的名言(双语) 2013年07月25日15:06??沪江英语?微博???我有话说 (1/2)智慧的声音:八句发人深省的名言   I love thought-provoking quotes – seemingly simple, yet interestingly profound phrases that have the power to get our minds thinking straight. That’s what this short post is about. Below I have listed eight of my favorite thought-provoking quotes, along with my interpretation and outlook on each one. I hope you enjoy thinking about them as much as I do。我喜欢发人深省的名言——短悍精简的言辞能使人茅塞顿开。这篇文章要讲的就是我最喜欢的八句引人深思的名言以及我的体会,希望你们会喜欢。   1. Dealing with Problems处理问题   “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them。”―Albert Einstein“解决问题比提出问题要简单得多。” —— 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦   Realize that not all movement is progress. When stress and tension and chaos surround you, pause for a moment and relax. The best time to take a deep breath is when you don’t have time for it。不是所有动向都是进步。当遇到压力、紧张和混乱时,应先停下来放松。越是焦头烂额,越该深呼吸。   Select a specific challenge, deal with it, and then move calmly and confidently to the next. When you’re being pulled in multiple directions at once, take time to remember what you value most. Focus on what’s most important to you and you’ll naturally direct your greatest energy to the right source。集中搞定某个挑战,然后再镇定自若地处理下一个。选择太多、眼花缭乱时,不妨认定最重要的那个。专注于最重要的事情才能将精力发挥到极致。   Life is filled with either problems or possibilities. What you see is what you choose to see. On the surface life can seem tumultuous and perplexing, yet deep inside, where it truly matters, life is what you make of it. Choose to see beyond the problems to the possibilities that await your attention。万事不是问题就是机遇,就看你心态如何。咋一看似乎处处都是坎坷与不安,但仔细一想,一切不都掌握在自己手中吗?试着透过问题看到背后的机遇吧。   2. Happiness and Personal Growth幸福和个人成长   “You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness。”―Jonathan Safran Foer“稳不住幸福,亦躲不过悲伤。” —— 乔纳森·萨弗兰·福尔   Live every day of your life in full. Experience the highs and the lows, the positives and the negatives, and all the moods present between the various extremes. Don抰 focus on


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