2-Damped 1DOF Free Vibration(单自由度阻尼自由振动).ppt

2-Damped 1DOF Free Vibration(单自由度阻尼自由振动).ppt

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2-Damped 1DOF Free Vibration(单自由度阻尼自由振动)

Damped 1DOF Free Vibration 单自由度阻尼自由振动 Dr. Dong, Mingming 董明明 Lab. of Vibration and Noise Controlling 振动与噪声控制实验室 Contents Free Vibration with Viscous Damping Equation of Motion Solution Logarithmic Decrement Energy Dissipated in Viscous Damping Torsional Systems with Viscous Damping Examples Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping Equation of Motion Solution Equation of Motion Equations Viscous damping force F is proportional to the vehicle or v and can be expressed as If x measured from the equilibrium position of the mass m, the application of Newton’s law yields the equation of motion: Deduction of Solution Assumption of solution form Inserting this function leads to the characteristic equation (特性方程) The roots of characteristic equation General Solution C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants to be determined from the initial conditions of the system. Critical Damping Constant The critical damping cc is defined as the value of the damping constant c for the equation below becomes zero: Then can be worked out Damping Ratio For any damped system, the damping ratio is defined as the ratio of the damping constant to the critical damping constant: Thus the solution can be written as Damped Vibration Classification Case1. Underdamped system (欠阻尼系统,弱阻尼系统,小阻尼系统) Case 2. Critically damped (临界阻尼的) system (临界阻尼系统) Case 3. Overdamped (过阻尼的) system (过阻尼系统) Underdamped System The roots s1 and s2 can be expressed as the solution, Eq. (2.69), can be written in different forms Different Forms Solution Arbitrary Constant Initial Conditions Final Results Frequency of Damped Vibration (阻尼振动固有圆频率) Definition of Frequency of Damped Vibration (阻尼振动固有圆频率定义). It can be seen that the frequency of damped vibration is always less than the undamped natural frequency. The Solution Using Frequency of Damped Vibration Critically Damped System The two roots s1 and s2 of characteristic equation are equal: The solution because of the repeated roots


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