Chinese Gardens and paintings(中国园林和绘画).ppt

Chinese Gardens and paintings(中国园林和绘画).ppt

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Chinese Gardens and paintings(中国园林和绘画)

Gardens Royal Gardens Religious Gardens Private Gardens Mausoleum Gardens Private Gardens Chinese Paintings 1. Types: Figure, Landscape, Flower/Bird, Scholarly Painting Colored (Gong-bi, fine stroke) vs Water-Ink (Xie-yi, thick stroke) Royal vs Intellectual 2. Levels and Changes: 神Shen 骨Gu 肉Rou 逸Yi Huang Gongwang (1269-1354) Houses in the Fuchun Mountains Huang-Xu Competition Zhao Ji (1082-1136) Zhu Da (1626-1705) (Ba Da Shan Ren) 张 大 千 Chrysanthemum Useful Websites /library/library_culture_painting.html /2009/05/resource-archives/from-silk-to-oil/ /gb/kucun/huihua/guohua/zhuanti_mhtang.htm /zhuanti2005/node_5523345.htm /chinese/zhuanti/178726.htm /html/56/17056-11325.html /glossary.htm /fengshui/fundamentals/whatIs.cfm Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145) Tang Yin(1470-1523) B. Landscape Painting Technique of Cun 皴: Apply dry ink on the paper to present the shape, form of the mountains; the textures and layers of the stones and rocks; the density of the trees Jing Hao (850- ?) Guan Tong (907-960) Fan Kuan (?- ~1032) North – Shen 神 male, firm, strong, grand 斧劈皴 Jü Ran (10th) South –Yi 逸 female, tender, plain, light Dong Yuan (? -~962) 披麻皴 Li Tang: Transition(1066-1150) 大斧劈皴 Li Cheng (919-967) Guo Xi (1023-1085) Ping-Dan 平 淡 卷云皴 (1044-1225) (1180-1230) Ma Yuan Xia Gui reddish landscape painting 去邪、甜、俗、赖 古意、简率 Ni Zan(1301-1374) C. Flower and Bird Painting Huang Quan (?-965) Xu Xi (?- ~975) Shen or Yi? D. Scholar Painting 江山雪霁图 辋川图 Wang Wei (701-761) 雪溪图 空山不见人 但闻人语响 返景入深林 复照青苔上 ---《鹿柴) 明月松间照 清泉石上流 竹喧归浣女 莲动下渔舟 --- 《山居秋暝》 Zen (Chan) Mi Fu (1051-1107) Scholar Painting Yi-pin Ren-pin 以 神 写 形 Poem-Calligraphy – Painting 3-in-1 Simple Xu Wei (1251-1593) 半生落魄已成翁,独立书斋啸晚风。 笔底明珠无处卖,闲抛闲掷野藤中。 水墨淋漓,潇洒飘逸 Shi Tao(1630-1724) Huang Yuhong (1865-1955) 1899-1983 Zhang Daqian Wang Xi-zhi Yan Zhenqing Su Shi Zhao Mengfu Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1766) Plum Orchid Bamboo Lotus Flower * * /librar


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