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语法专题:定语从句 先行词 句中作用 从句类型 引导词 示例 人 主语 限制性 Who\that He is a man who\that never leaves todays work till tomorrow.他是个从不把今天的工作留到明天去做的人。 非限制性 who This is my secretary Xiao Wang, who never leaves todays work till tomorrow.这是我的秘书小王,他从不把今天的工作留到明天去做。 宾语 限制性 Who\whom\that Here is the man (whom\who\that) youve been expecting to meet.这就是你一直想要见的人。 非限制性 Who\whom Here is Mr. Smith, whom\who youve been expecting to meet.这就是史密斯先生,你一直想要见的那个人。 定语 限制性 whose Is there anyone in your class whose family is in the northeast.你班上有谁家是东北的吗? 非限制性 whose I met Mrs. Liu yesterday, whose daughter wanted to learn spoken English.昨天我见到了刘太太,她女儿想学英语口语。 物 主语 限制性 Which\that The train which\that has just left is for Guangzhou.刚刚开走的那列火车的去广州的。 非限制性 which I have read the book A Tale of Two Cities ,which was written by Charles Dickens.我读过《双城记》这本书,是由查尔斯·狄更斯写的。 宾语 限制性 Which\that(介词后用which) The book (which\that) you borrowed yesterday is really interesting.昨天你借的那本书真有意思。 This is the question about which weve had so much discussion.这就是我们反复讨论的问题。 非限制性 which The house, which Father built himself, has lasted for many years.这所房子是我父亲自己建的,已经好多年了。 I need your help, without which T wont be able to finish the work on time.我需要你的帮助,没有你的帮助我就不能按时完成工作。 定语 限制性 whose I live in a room whose window faces south.我住在一间窗户朝南的房间里。 非限制性 whose China, whose population is the largest in the world, is developing very fast.中国的人口在世界是最多,中国现在发展得很快。 时间 状语 限制性 when I cant remember the date when he went abroad.我记不得他出国的日期了。 非限制性 when We will put off the outing until next week, when we wont be so busy.我们将把郊游推迟到下星期,那时我们就不这么忙了。 地点 状语 限制性 where This is the village where Uncle Wang once lived.这就是王叔叔曾经生活过的村庄。 非限制性 where They are flying to Kunming, where they plan to stay for two days, and then go to Guilin.他们将乘飞机到昆明,在那儿计划待两天,然后去桂林。 原因 状语 限制性 why I dont know the reason why he was late.我不知道他迟到的原因。 全句内容 主语 非限制性 as\which He was strongly against the idea, as could be expected.正如可以预料到,他强烈反对这个意见。 宾语 非限制性 As\whic


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