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摘  要 随着集成电路工艺技术的发展,Cu逐渐取代传统的互连材料Al。在综述了Cu互连的优势及面临的挑战、扩散阻挡层的制备工艺和发展趋势之后,本实验在优化工艺条件下利用射频反应磁控溅射技术在Si衬底上制备了一系列阻挡层为25nm厚的Cu/Zr/Si、Cu/Zr-N/Si、Cu/Zr-N/Zr/Zr-N/Si试样,在的氮气条件下对这些试样进行了400℃-800℃下的退火处理,并分别对退火前后的三种试样进行了表征。 试验结果表明,多晶结构的Zr扩散阻挡层薄膜在450℃即发生即失效,不能保证其在所有后道工艺的温度(约450℃500℃)条件下有效防止铜的扩散。在退火温度为650℃时,Zr-N薄膜阻挡层仍能有效的阻挡Cu原子扩散到Si基体中,可见-200V衬底偏压下制备的纳米晶Zr-N薄膜有较好的阻挡Cu扩散的能力。为了进一步提高Zr-N的阻挡性能,本实验在Zr-N中插入一层Zr层形成Zr-N/Zr/Zr-N结构,实验结果表明Zr层插入后Zr-N的扩散阻挡层性能得到明显改善。 Zr层的加入,导致各层之间晶界不匹配,延长了Cu的快速扩散通道,减缓了Cu向晶界的扩散;高温退火后出现了ZrO2氧化物,阻塞Cu的快速扩散通道,使薄膜阻挡性能得到改善。 :磁控溅 ABSTRACT With the development of IC processing technology, copper is gradually taking the place of classical aluminum for interconnecting. However, it is vital to find an effective barrier layer for this change, studies have shown that interdiffusion between Cu and Si becomes serious when the temperature reaches to 180-200 ℃. In this paper, our investigation focuses on the performance of Zr-based barrier layers including Zr, ZrN and Zr-N/Zr/Zr-N. They were respectively deposited on Si(100) substrate by magnetron sputtering technique. In order to investigate diffusion barrier properties of diffusion barrier films, 4-point probe technique(FPP), Atomic force microscopy(AFM), Scanning electron micoroscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Auger electron spectroscopy(AES) were performed respectively. The study shows that the failure temperature of the Zr film was just 450 °C , which is too low for it to be applied in the IC industry. It is also observed that a nano-crystal Zr-N film prepared at -200V bias has better diffusion barrier property and still performed well against Cu diffusion after being annealed under 650℃ for an hour. In order to increasing the failure temperature of Zr-N diffusion barrier for Cu, we investigated the effect of insertion of a thin Zr layer between the Zr-N films. The results reveal that the barrier breakdown temperature of Zr-N/Zr/Zr-N film is about 100°C higher than that of Zr-N. It can effectively prevent the diffusio


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