unit10 I′m going to be a basketball player (课件).ppt

unit10 I′m going to be a basketball player (课件).ppt

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unit10 I′m going to be a basketball player (课件)

1.I _______________ (move) to Guangzhou next year. 2. Lucy (stay) at home next weekend. 3. They _______________ (work) in China in the future? THE END Thanks very much! If you hope your dreams come true, you should work hard, because: No pains , no gains! 不劳无获! * * 根据相关提示词,看谁最先猜出 名人的名字!每项均有三个提示词。 Please guess who he is . Big nose Shenzhou V American Tall Cheng Long Yang Liwei Bill Gates Yao Ming Olympic Games Liu Xiang rich富有的 Microsoft微软 Chinese NBA hurdler (跨栏运动员) 110meters Hong Kong action movie spacecraft 太空船 the first Chinese writer policeman singer actor teacher waiter reporter doctor dancer nurse What does he/she do? Guess the job Bill Gates a computer programmer 电脑程序设计师 /`pr??gr?m?(r)/ a professional basketball player /pr?`fe??n?l/ 职业的,专业的 a pilot /`paIl?t/ 飞行员 an engineer /、end?I`nI?/ 工程师 I’m going to be a professional basketball player. What are you going to be when you grow up(长大)? /gr??/ What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a dancer. I’m going to be an engineer. What are you going to be when you grow up? What are you going to be when you grow up(长大)? I’m going to be . a computer programmer study computer science take acting lessons study really hard practice basketball What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a computer programmer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study computer science What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math really hard. What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a basketball player How are you going to do that? Im going to practice basketball every day. What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that? Im going to take acting lessons Im going to be an actress. take acting(表演) lessons study computer science practice basketball every day


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