Unit 3 Gender Difference (A班精读).ppt

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Unit 3 Gender Difference (A班精读)

Unit 3 Gender Difference New Words Expressions 1. approve [含义2)的例句II)]: e.g. The Medical Research Council said it could not approve the use of the new drug without further tests. The Medical Research Council is the UKs largest public organization dedicated to advancing knowledge in all areas of human health. It consists of a large number of separate units and centers, located across the UK, each with its own area of specialization. New Words Expressions 1. approve [流行美语]:down with that 同意 Down with that means sth is okay with me and I’m willing to do it. e.g. - Would you like to go to my friend’s party on Saturday night? - Okay, I’m down with that. New Words Expressions 2. aspiration cherish an aspiration for… 胸怀······志向 have an aspiration to do sth. 渴望干······事 e.g. 1) She had an aspiration to go abroad to pursue her studies. 她渴望出国学习。 2) I have no aspiration for/after fame. 我不求名。 New Words Expressions 2. aspiration aspire v. aspire after / to sth ~ desire strongly to achieve sth; have ambition for sth 渴望成就某事务,对某事物有雄心或野心 e.g. aspire after knowledge 渴求知识 aspirant n. 有志者 New Words Expressions 3. assign Assignment n. New Words Expressions 4. Constitute [辨析]: constitute, compose, comprise, make up, consist to constitute正式用语,指若干部分构成一个整体,不用被动语态 to compose指一个整体由若干部分构成或由哪些要素构成,常用be composed of e.g. Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen. New Words Expressions 4. Constitute [辨析]: constitute, compose, comprise, make up, consist to comprise不仅有 “整体由...构成”的意思,还有“由若干部分构成整体”的意思,不用被动语态。 e.g. The book comprises ten chapters. 这本书共有十章。 e.g. Studying and doing experiments comprised practically the whole of his life. 研究和做实验几乎就是他生活的全部内容。 New Words Expressions 4. Constitute [辨析]: constitute, compose, comprise, make up, consist to make up组成,构成 (注意:被动语态的句子要加of,多用于被动语态) e.g. These three articles make up the whole book. e.g. The board of directors is made up of experienced people. to consist of: to be made up of e.g.


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