Unit 13 we are what we eat(Reading)04、7.ppt

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Unit 13 we are what we eat(Reading)04、7

Skimming Word study The word “fuel” in Para.1 means 2. “Green foods” in Para. 3 means 1. We are what we eat. 句中what 意为the thing (s) that, 引导一个表语从句。全句意为:我们就是所吃的那种东西。用通顺的汉语来说,可理解为“吃什么补什么”,“健康存在于我们的饮食”。 Our health has much to do with the food(what we eat) and we should make the right choices about what and how we eat. 6. Some nutrients help build our body and … build: make sb. healthier or stronger 1). Reading builds the mind. 2). Hard work builds (up) character.勤劳磨练性格. 7. be good for Swimming is good for health. Taking a walk after supper is good for our health. be good to All my classmates are good to me. do good (n.) to Swimming does good to health. 8. Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe. 现在许多人都根据他们的(饮食)观念做出饮食习惯的选择。 base(与on, upon连用)根据; 基于 e.g Advertisements based on these facts have been printed in newspapers. He described the thief based on his memory. This news report is based entirely on facts. 9. … chemicals that can be harmful to human beings or the environment. do sb. harm = do harm to sb e.g. Sugar is harmful to our teeth. =Sugar does harm to our teeth. “伤害…, 对...有害处” * * * * * * * * We Are What We Eat Reading Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 A. Keeping a balanced diet B.Choosing what to eat is difficult C. Developing healthy eating habits D. Choosing what to eat based on nutrients E. Choosing according to what we believe Careful reading Now read the passage again and try to get the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 : T or F 1.Choosing what to eat is not as easy as it once was any longer. 2.Our eating habits have changed while our way of life has not changed. T F Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life. 也 =and our way of life has changed too.(课本P132) I What do traditional diets often have? Too mush fat and too many calories Ⅱ what should we learn if we want to keep up with the high pace of mo


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