unit 18 自由民主的澳大利亚australia as a liberal democratic society.ppt

unit 18 自由民主的澳大利亚australia as a liberal democratic society.ppt

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unit 18 自由民主的澳大利亚australia as a liberal democratic society

Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society Different perspectives Political system The relationship between politics and economics Political economy in the 21st century Current differences of perspectives Introduction: Different perspectives commitment to difference澳大利亚人承认相互差异 results The formation of the Australian political system Washminster form of polity: a mixture of US Washington system of government and the British, Westminster system. A “Washminster” form of polity Washminster The comparison and contrast between UK and Austalia Queen Prime minister UK Parliament Two houses Cabinet Governor-general Prime minister Australian parliament Two houses Cabinet Governor-general in Australia The government Three-tier system 1.the Australian parliament at federal level 2.six state governments 3.about 900 local government bodies Political System 1. Constitutional Monarchy VS Republicanism 2. Parliamentary system VS Presidential System 3. Unitary State VS Federal State Constitutional Monarchy VS Republicanism Constitutional monarchy: 君主立宪制 The monarch has the supreme power in the country. Republicanism: 民主共和制 The supreme power is invested in the people. Parliamentary System VS Presidential System Parliamentary System:议会制 The executive branch of government is dependent on the direct or indirect support of the legislative branch. Presidential System: 总统制 The executive branch is elected separately from the legislative. Unitary State VS Federal State Unitary State: 单一制国家 The local government is subordinate to the central government. Federal State: 联邦制国家 The self-governing status of the component states is constitutionally entrenched保证 and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of the central government. Political System Political System in Australia Australia is a constitutional monarchy. parliamentary democracy. federal state.


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