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recognition n. recognizing or being reconized 认出, 承认 He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine. The town has altered out of all recognition since I was last here. Britains recognition of estabishment of diplomatic relations with the new regime is unlikely. cultivate v. (try to) acquire or develop (a relationship, an attitude ect.) (力求)建立或发展(某种关系) You must cultivate people who can help you in business. He wants to cultivate new friends. negotiation n.. discussion aimed at reaching an agreement; negotiating商议,谈判 The price is a matter of/for negotiation. Negotiation of the sale took a long time. A settlement was reached after lengthy negotiations. commitment n. . thing one has promised to do承诺,允诺; state of being dedicated or devoted( to sth) 致力、献身(于某事物) They held us to our commitment. They are allowed flexible hours to meet family commitments. I’m overworked at the moment — Ive taken on too many commitments. Were looking for someone with a real sense of commtiment to the job. Our commitment to the cause must be absolute. sculptor n. . person who makes sculpture 做雕刻或雕塑的人 Michelangelo was a well-known sculptor, famous for his masterpiece David. The statue was created by a French sculptor. dedicate v. to give completely (your energy, time, etc.) 献身于,致力于 He has dedicated his life to scientific research. The new President said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless. dedicated adj. working hard at sth because it is important 献身的,专心致志的. Hes a very dedicated father/golfer/teacher. Shes completely dedicated to her work. The Green Party is dedicated to protecting the environment. Hes a wonderful doctor - hes very dedicated (= works very hard). be dedicated to to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it important 献身于,致力于 She is dedicated to her job. Her l


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