unit 16 animal experiment 教案.ppt

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unit 16 animal experiment 教案

activists fight for What do you know about animal experiments? 1. Which animal is most widely used in experiments? a. Dog b. Rat c. Mouse 2. According to British law, new drugs must be tested on how many different species of live mammals? a. None, if there are suitable alternatives (替代物) b. One c. Two 3. What are animal experiments not used for? a. to develop cleaning products b. to develop transplant (移植) techniques c. to test interfaces between humans and computers Find the information about the following statistics: 2.5 million 2 shampoo skin creams How many animals are used in animal experiments? Does animal testing work? Do people have the right to use animals? Vote Do you think animal experiments are necessary? Yes No Language focus. 1. Using animals for medical science is much more important. Exercises。 1. ___ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. A. The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The president’s attending 2. It is important ___ you ___ correct intonation on the phone. A. of, to use B. for, to use C. of, using D. for, using Language focus. 2. What works with animals does not work with humans. Work with sb. 对某人起作用 名词性从句练习: 1.He is so thin that “Monkey” is just ___ people always call him. A. why B. what C. that D. how 2. And finally they reached ___ is now called the United States. A. what B. how C. that D. where 3. There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of. There is no doubt that…/ about sth. 毫无疑问 There is no doubt that our football team will win. There is no doubt about his honesty. No doubt 作状语,有一定把握的主观看法, 表示“多半,很可能,必定,认为” No doubt you will go to his birthday party. Without doubt/ undoubtedly毫无疑问,表达了解事实真相的强烈语气。 It was without doubt the most successful film of the year. What do you think we can do with


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