Unit 12 Teaching Writing(省级精品课程-英语教学法).ppt

Unit 12 Teaching Writing(省级精品课程-英语教学法).ppt

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Unit 12 Teaching Writing(省级精品课程-英语教学法)

Unit 12 Teaching Writing By Xu ZHijian Aims of the Unit 1. What, why and how do we write? 2. A communicative approach to writing; 3. Problems in writing tasks in existing textbooks and classroom teaching; 4. A process approach to writing; 5. Motivating students to write 6. Designing writing tasks. 7. Writing through the Internet I. What, why and how do we write? 1. The purpose of writing class By writing, students can learn the language and culture; By writing, students can improve their listening, speaking and reading abilities; By writing, students can improve their thinking ability. 2. The nature of writing in reality TASK 1 Think about your daily writing in Chinese and your experiences of writing in English. Fill in the table below with things that come to your mind first. When you finish, compare your ideas with your partner. The things we write in reality: letters, journals, notes, instructions, posters, essays, re-ports, menus, filling forms, answering questionnaires 2. The nature of writing in reality The reasons we write: To convey messages or just to keep a record of what is in our mind The way we write: Some people never put down a word before rehearsing the sentence many times in their mind, while other people write down anything that comes to their mind and then do a lot of editing and proof-reading. 2. The nature of writing in reality Comparing writing in our English teaching classroom with writing in reality: 1) Writing in the ELT classroom (also as homework) is often seen as a means to consolidate language that is recently studied. 2) The students finish the task than the teacher assigned within the time limit and hand in the final product. II. A communicative approach to writing Communication writing means either writing for a specific recipient, or engaging in an act of creative writing. It is authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements. 1. Why should we adopt communicative approach to writing?


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