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The Bidding Documents for ICB Procurement of Mechanic Electronic Products (Volume One) Department of Mechanic, Electronic And Hi-Tech Industry Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C 2008 Table of Contents Volume One Section 1. Instructions to Bidders厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?ontents 7 A. Introduction厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ction Volume 7 1. Source of Funds厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?of Fundslume7 2. Tendering Agent and Eligible Bidders厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?dering A7 3. Eligible Goods and Services厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?ble Goods 7 4. Cost of Bid厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?Bidods and Se8 B. The Bidding Documents厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖idding Docu8 5. Compilation Principle and Content of Bidding Documents厖厖厖厖厖 Comp8 6. Clarification of Bidding Documents厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖rificatio8 7. Amendment of Bidding Documents厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ndment of9 C. Preparation of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ation of Bid9 8. Language of Bid厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?e of BidBids9 9. Documents Comprising the Bid厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ments Comp9 10. Compilation of Bid厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖lation of Bi9 11. Bid Prices厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?cesn of Bidg 10 12. Bid Currencies厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?urrenciesBid11 13. Documents Establishing Bidders Eligibility and Qualifications厖厖厖厖13. 11 14. Documents Establishing Goods Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents?11 15. Bid Security厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ecuritytablis12 16. Period of Validity of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?iod of Val13 17. Format and Signing of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?mat and Si13 D. Submission of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ssion of Bid13 18. Sealing and Marking of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖aling and 13 19. Deadline for Submission of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?adline fo14 20. Late Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?idsfor Submis14 21. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?odificat14 E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖g and Eva15 22. Opening of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖ing of Bidso15 23. Bid Evaluation Committee and Evaluation Method厖厖厖厖厖?. Bid15 24. Preliminary Examination厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?liminary E15 25. Conversion to Single Currency厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?nversion 17 26. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?valuatio17 27. Determination of Final Evaluated Bid Prices厖厖厖厖厖厖厖 Determ20 28. Contacting the Te


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