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A woman I went to college with in New Delhi, now 29, lives in her family home on Prithviraj Road, one of the toniest parts of the capital. She has a shiny new convertible BMW 3 series, bought by her father. She doesnt have a job. Manjunath Kiran/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images在印度的首都,新富家庭的子女往往能得到他们想要的一切——除了快乐。我在新德里读大学时的一位同窗现在和家人住在Prithviraj Road,这是新德里最时髦的地区之一。她今年29岁,有一辆崭新的宝马三系敞篷车,是她爸爸买给她的。她没有工作。??She called me recently and we met for lunch. She looked dull and withdrawn. She told me she was extremely depressed and felt that her life wasnt worth living. She isnt the only Delhi rich kid to feel this way. 最近她给我打电话,我们一起吃了一顿午饭。她看起来无精打采,还略显孤独。她告诉我,她感到极度沮丧,并且感觉她的生活毫无价值。她并不是德里唯一一个有这种感觉的富家子女。??Sanjay Chugh, a Delhi-based psychiatrist, says he treats three or four young, wealthy, unhappy patients a day. Such children are often brought up being told that they have nothing to worry about and that money can take care of everything, he said. 德里精神病医生丘格(Sanjay Chugh)说,他每天都会治疗三、四个年轻、有钱,但是不快乐的患者。他说,这些孩子在成长过程中经常被告知他们无需担忧任何事,钱能解决一切问题。??Often, newly wealthy parents dont want their children to go through the hardships they experienced growing up, Mr. Chugh says. But they fail to teach them there is more to life than fancy drinks, new toys and branded clothes. 丘格说,通常刚当上父母的有钱人不希望他们的孩子经历他们成长过程中的艰辛。但他们没有告诉孩子生活中有更多比花俏的饮品、新玩具和名牌服装更重要的事情。??On a recent evening at a posh lounge in Delhi, I saw Prada and Gucci-clad teenagers arrive in Lamborghinis, Jaguars and Porsches. They air kissed and went to the bar. Hedonism is back, a note on bars website says. 最近一个晚上在一家时髦的酒吧,我看到一群身穿普拉达(Prada)和古奇(Gucci)的青少年分别开着兰博基尼(Lamborghinis)、捷豹(Jaguars)和保时捷(Porsches)来到这里。他们打了飞吻,然后进入这家酒吧。这家酒吧的网站上说:享乐主义回来了。??After an hour or so of drinking, a chubby guy in the group got the bill. Oh, just 60? Not bad, he said loudly. It was 60,000 rupees ($1,000.) 在对饮大约一个小时后,他们当中一个较胖的男孩拿到账单。他大声说,才60?真不错。他指的是60个1000卢比,也就是6万卢比(合1,000美元)。??An acquaintance in Delhi says she spends most afternoons in her apartment, sitting on the couch drink


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