On Common Ground The Power of Professional Learning 在共同的基础专业学习的动力.ppt

On Common Ground The Power of Professional Learning 在共同的基础专业学习的动力.ppt

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On Common Ground The Power of Professional Learning 在共同的基础专业学习的动力

Relationship Matter—A Lot! Let’s face it, relationships matter an awful lot. Watch this and consider how strong a relationship can become after only one year! Passion and Persistence Successful school re-culturing requires both structural changes and cultural changes. But, it also requires a huge dose of passion and persistence. Leaders must approach the task of ensuring student learning with the zeal of a missionary and the tenacity of a terrier! Successful school leaders live by the motto: “Relentless Pressure, Gracefully Applied!” You Can Determine the Weather Each Day! Be a thermostat….not a thermometer!! Remember, you have the power to set the temperature, not simply react to it! You can make it a sunny day for your students or a cloudy day, a calm day or a stormy day! Think about it! “I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.” -- Hiam Ginott We Just Don’t Know! Remember, the students you see in front of you are not what they will become! We just don’t know. The best we can do is care for and encourage them and make sure they are safe, feel special, and learn. The students we have the most doubts about today may ultimately truly surprise us! * How Will We Know What Students Are Learning? In addition to clarifying and adding meaning to state and district standards, professional learning communities then ask the next logical question, “How will be know if students are learning?” So, in professional learning communities, collaborative teams mo



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