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【论 坛】 中国硫酸工业的现状及展望 武希彦 (中国硫酸工业协会,北京 100011) [关键词] 硫酸工业;中国;现状;展望 [摘 要] 介绍中国硫酸生产、消费、原料结构、贸易等情况,2005年发展目标及产业政策。 [中图分类号] TQ 111.1;F 123.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2003)03-0001-02 The current situation and outlook of Chinas sulfuric acid industry WU Xi-yan (China Sulfuric Acid Industry Association, Beijing 100011, China) Key words: sulfuric acid industry; China; current situation; outlook Abstract: The current situation in production, consumption, raw material mix and trade of Chinas sulfuric acid industry is presented. Also an outlook to the year 2005 is made on the sulfuric industrial policy and development. 2002年化肥市场价格走势分析 马常宝 (全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100026) [关键词] 化肥;市场价格;趋势;分析 [摘 要] 在调查全国肥料价格的基础上,分析2002年化肥价格的走势,找出价格波动的原因,并预测2003年化肥价格的趋势。 [中图分类号] TQ 440; F 713.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]〖HTS S〗 1007-6220(2003)03-0003-03 Analysis on price status of fertilizer market in 2002 MA Chang-bao (National Extension and Service Center of Agro-technology, Beijing 100026, China) Key words: fertilizer; price; trend; analysis Abstract: On the basis of investigating the China’s fertilizer price in 2002, the price status of fertilizer market is analyzed, the reasons of price fluctuation are also sought out, and the trend of fertilizer price in 2003 is predicted. 浅谈“数据待定的标准”与我国肥料标准化 纪 胜 (山东济宁市质量技术监督局,山东 济宁 272025) [关键词] 肥料;标准;数据待定 [摘 要] 通过对“数据待定的标准”的分析、理解,认为我国某些肥料产品标准中的养分指标宜采用数据待定的方式,以利于厂方研究开发不同的肥料产品,满足不同用户的需要,同时也有利于资源的合理配置与有效利用。 [中图分类号] T 652.1; TQ 44 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2003)03-0006-02 Approach to “standard on data to be provided” and standardization of fertilizer in China JI Sheng (Jining Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, Jining, Shandong 272025, China) Key words: fertilizer; standard; data to be provided Abstract: By analysis and discussion on “standard on data to be provided”, it is suggested that some nutrient indices in China Fertilizer Standard should be set to “data to be provided”, which is beneficial for the producers to research and develo


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