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1、历史学基地班(国家文科基础学科人才培养和科学研究基地) ??? 历史学作为基础学科,具有通识、交叉、跨学科的特点。通过课堂和课外教育,对学生进行系统、扎实的专业训练和素质教育,锻造具备“三基”(基本理论、基本史料、基本技能)、“四性”(系统性、科学性、思辨性与交融性),有学术创新能力的高层次、高质量、少而精并具国际眼光的历史学专门人才;以及受到系统的专业训练、具有历史眼光和智慧的复合型应用人才,适应国家社会政治、经济、文化发展多方面需要。要求学生系统学习中国历史的基本知识,了解中华文明的过去、现在及其在世界文明中的地位与特点,掌握从事历史学研究的基本理论、方法和技能,善于思辩和写作,初步具备独立从事历史学专业研究和跨学科人文社会科学研究的能力。 历史学基地班由武汉大学历史学院负责日常教学管理 主要专业课程有:中国通史、世界通史、史学概论、中国历史文献学、中国史学典籍导读、史学论文写作、中国文化史、中国经济史、中国社会史、中国历史地理以及各类专题课和专业选修课等。 优秀毕业生可被推荐免试攻读硕士学位,其他毕业生可在高等院校、科研机构从事教学与科研工作,在文化部门、政府机关、企事业单位从事行政管理、宣传教育和文秘等工作。 The Base Class of History (National Center for Talents Training and Scientific Research in Fundamental Arts Subjects) As a rudimentary subject, history is characterized by its general knowledge and interdisciplinary feature. Trough systematic and solid specialized training and quality education, both in class and out of class, we hope to train history specialists who are equipped with Three Basics-basic theory, basic historical materials and basic skills, and with Four Natures-systematicness, scientificness, speculation, and integration. Our students are academically innovative history specialists with broad international vision as well as interdisciplinary talents with wisdom and historical vision who have received systematic and professional training. Only in this way can our students adjust themselves to the development of politics, economics, and culture in our society. We require students to acquire the fundamental knowledge of Chinese history in a systematic way, so that they can understand the past and the current situation of Chinese civilization and its status and traits in world civilizations, and they can have a good command of the basic theories, methods, and skills of history research. Excelling in speculation and writing, our students are able to undertake research into history and interdisciplinary human and social science independently. The routine teaching of the Base class of History is arranged by the History School of Wuhan Univers



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