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********** 毕业设计(论文) 题目:广州珠吉高层住宅小区电气设计 学院:********** 专业:建筑电气与智能化 班级****** 学生姓名:*** 学号: ********** 指导教师:***** 完成日期: 2012******* 摘要 广州珠吉高层住宅小区电气设计 摘要 随着我国国民经济迅猛发展,中国城市化进程加快,城镇人口猛增,高层、超高层成为目前城市住宅建筑的主流趋势,另外由于人民生活水平不断提高,人们对居住环境有了更高的要求,建筑电气技术也得到了迅猛地发展。 本次工程设计以国家规范为准则,以安全用电、节约能源为指导,应用现代电气技术为手段,以较高的要求完成广州某高层住宅小区电气系统的设计,本次工程设计包括以下三部分:强电部分、弱电部分和电气节能研究与设计部分。 强电部分主要内容:高、低压供配电系统、照明系统、动力系统及防雷接地系统。 弱电部分主要内容:消防系统、综合布线系统、有线电视系统、视频监控系统、访客对讲系统及停车场管理系统。 电气节能研究与设计部分主要内容:供配电节能研究与设计、照明节能研究与设计和节能管理。 本工程电气设计性质是毕业论文设计,其目的是将大学所学专业知识通过设计应用到实践中,理论联系实际,巩固所学专业知识,培养独立思考能力以及动手实践能力,着重培养应用所学知识解决建筑电气设计问题的能力,为以后的工作奠定坚实的基础。 关键词:高层住宅小区;高低压供配电;照明;消防;安全防范;防雷接地 ABSTRACT The Electrical Design of ZhuJi High-rise Flat in Guangzhou ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the national economy and the speed-up of the urbanization in China, cities and towns population surges significantly. High-rise and super high-rise buildings are becoming the current trend for city housing residences. In addition, with the living standards improved, people are putting forward higher requirement for living environment, thus pushing the building electricity technologies further developed. This design adopts the relevant national standards as a criterion, under the guidance of safety and energy-conservation principles, applying the modern electrical technology, completed the electrical system design of a high-rise flat in Guangzhou city. The design consists of three parts: strong electricity part, weak electricity part and electricity conservation research and design part. The main contents of the strong electricity part includes: high/low-voltage distribution system, lighting system, power system and lightning protection and grounding socket system. The weak electricity part includes: fire protection system, generic cabling system, CATV system, video surveillance system, visitors talkback system and parking management system. The electricity conservation research and design part consists of the research and design of th


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