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第四章 商务英语的句式特征与翻译 第一节 商务英语的句式特征 一、句式结构复杂,长句多 作为企业间商务交流的媒介,商务英语具有句式讲究、条理清晰、结构严谨的特点。如: If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach. (如果一方违反任何根据第18.1 条或18.2 条所作的陈述及担保或重述,则另一方除根据本合同或相 关法律寻求任何可能的救济之外,违约方应当赔偿另一方或合营公司由此造成的任何损失、损害、费 用、开支、责任或索赔。) 此句的主干为 it shall indemnify and keep indemnified… against …the other Party and the company,前面是一个由if 引导的条件状语从句(If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2)。在这个条件状语从句中,其宾语部分 (any of the representations or warranties)又跟随着后置定语(given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2)。in addition to 引导的是增补成分,其核心词remedies 之后也跟了后置定语 (available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws)。这一部分对句子的主 要成分进行了补充说明,从而使句意更加严谨。最后,that 后面的成分是作为后置定语修饰其前面的 五个并列名词。 二、复杂句子的使用 商务英语句式复杂、长难句多的特点在外贸函电、金融英语以及企业管理 英语中也都有很好的体现。外贸函电是国际商务中传递信息、协商交易条件 的主要途径,严谨、规范的复杂句能够准确、完整地传达信息。金融英语和 企业管理英语等也属于专业文体英语,表达时需要内容严谨、格式规范,因 而复杂句的应用也极为突出。例如: In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am studying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States. (最近银根很紧,为谋求达成交易,本人代表公司正在研究如何做成这笔交易。我们 希望以易货贸易为基础,进口你方能运到美国的任何商品。) 这句话的主语是由两个并列结构构成(the corporation is willing to…and would…), 前面有一个较长的不定式短语(In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency)作状语。另外,句子中还有两个定语从句(on behalf of which I am studying this proposition 和which you would ship to the United States)。 译者在译这个复杂句时采用了拆译法,把原


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