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The differences between Spring festival and Christmas 中国春节与西方圣诞节之异 Spring festival and Christmas are both the most important festival for the Chinese people and western people .Because of the different culture ,there are different ways to celebrate . 春节和圣诞节是中西方国家重要的节日,因为风俗不同,所以有着不同的庆祝方式! This PowerPoint compares the differences between Spring festival and Christmas, shows their origins and ways of celebration and so on ,to point out that are looking forward to well-being . 本文比较说明中国春节和西方圣诞节区别,简述风俗起源和节日的庆祝方式和人们美好愿望等等; Spring Festival traditions: 1.paper-cuts 2.Spring Festival couplets 3.New Year paintings 4.Special purchases for the Spring Festival 传统中国年,有剪纸,挂春联,贴春画,购年货的风俗 圣诞节传统庆祝方式: 1.圣诞老人 2.圣诞树 3.圣诞帽 4.圣诞服 5.圣诞卡片 6.圣诞美食 7.圣诞歌 Food in Spring Festival中国春节食物 We eat all kinds of food in Spring Festival. 我们中国春节的食物很多种,如鸡,饺子,年糕等 等 and so on. Chicken Dumplings Such as: Rice Cakes Roast goose Mainly Food at Christmas dinner 圣诞节西方主要食物是火鸡 Something special for kids at Christmas 圣诞节,西方孩子们也有些特别的庆祝方式 The hanging of stockings by the fireplace before bedtime, to receive the presents from Father Christmas, is a much-loved tradition that is still practiced by many children and adults although stockings might now be replaced with hung in different locations such as by the childs bed. 孩子们在睡觉之前,将自己的长袜子挂在火炉边,其目的为了期待圣诞老人的礼物! 这是个很受人尊敬的传统节日,仍受很多小孩喜欢,大人们常当孩子们睡觉时将礼物充入袜子里 When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve , they hang a stocking at the behind of their beds . Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas , or their parents will not leave them anything . When they wake up , they find their stockings filled with presents . As a result,children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. 当小孩子们在平安夜睡觉前,他们常在长袜子挂在床头,父母们常告诉孩子们不要看见圣诞老人,否则不能收到礼物 当孩子们醒来时,他们的长袜子已充满了礼物! 通常,孩子们很早起床,期待看到礼物


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