英美文学论文 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格.doc

英美文学论文 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格.doc

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英美文学论文 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格

英美文学论文-论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格 Abstract Being distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteristic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world. Key Words Dialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory ? ? 摘 要 在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。他改变了传统文学作品冗长、沉闷的风格,创造了一种简洁的电报式文体。而他的短篇小说《白象似的群山》完全体现了他的这种独特而经典的写作风格。小说虽看似简单,却极富艺术性。他抓住了人们日常对话结构的精髓,给读者创造了一种身临其境的感觉。而其简洁的文字后面也蕴藏了丰富的情感。小说中关于白象的完美象征以及海明威式的经典结尾,突出了海明威在语言方面的能力。尤其是他的著名的冰山原则,在此小说中发挥到了极致。海明威创造了一种独特的写作风格,而他的这种风格对美国,以至于欧洲,乃至整个世界文坛都产生了重要影响。 关键词 对话;简洁;象征;写作风格;冰山原则 ? ? Introduction Hemingway, who is very famous for his creation of a new and unique writing style, is one of the most influential writers in American literary history during the 20th century, so he is undoubtedly to be the focus of the researchers all over the world. But from all the researches on him, it is easy to find that authors are always focusing on his several long-novels and his The Old Man and the Sea to show his unique writing style. As a matter of fact, his unique writing style is fully and exactly reflected by his short stories, which are drawing more people’s attentions. So this essay takes Hemingway’s


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