计算机毕业论文范文模板参考资料 多媒体技术的应用研究.doc

计算机毕业论文范文模板参考资料 多媒体技术的应用研究.doc

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计算机毕业论文范文模板参考资料 多媒体技术的应用研究

浙江财经学院东方学院 题 目 多媒体技术的应用 英文题目 Application of multimedia technology 专 业 市场营销 姓 名 丁乐文 班级学号 1020310341 摘要 多媒体技术诞生于20世纪末,它以传统计算机技术为平台,以实现电子信息技术为先导,成为当代科学、技术领域迅速崛起和发展的一门重要学科。它为传统计算机技术带来了深刻变革,使计算机具有综合处理文本、声音、图形、图像、动画和视频的能力,并在此基础上发展产生了如虚拟现实等前沿学科技术,使现代科技进一步贴近生活,更好的服务于社会。 将多媒体技术引入计算机创业领域,不仅可以灵活地产生、集成、存储和应用多种多媒体信息,更可以有效地曾强计算机软件产品的人机交互能力和知识表达效果,从而显著地提高产品综合质量。 本文主要介绍了多媒体的基本内容以及多媒体所涉及的一些方面。并且提及了多媒体在一些领域的应用。由于能力有限可能不是很全面,还请读者见谅。 【关键词】:多媒体技术,信息技术,电子技术 Abstract Multimedia technology was born in the late 20th century, its traditional computer technology as a platform to achieve electronic and information technology as the guide, contemporary science, technology, the rapid rise and development of an important discipline. It is the traditional computer technology has brought profound changes to the computer with the integrated treatment of text, sound, graphics, images, animation and video capabilities, and on this basis resulted in the development of leading-edge subjects such as virtual reality technology to modern science and technology to further close to life, and better service in the community. Multimedia technology into the field of computer business, not only the flexibility to produce, integration, storage and application of a variety of multimedia information, but also effectively have strong computer software products, capabilities and knowledge to express human-computer interaction effects, thus significantly improving product quality, comprehensive . This paper mainly introduces the basic elements of multimedia, as well as some of the aspects involved in multimedia. And referred to in some areas of multimedia applications. Due to limited capacity may not be very comprehensive, and also invited readers to forgive me. 【Keywords】:Multimedia technology, Information technology,Electronic technology所谓多媒体,就是融合了两种或两种以上媒体的一种人机交互式信息交流和传播的媒体,其使用的媒体包括文字(Text)、图像(Image)、图形(Graph)、动画(animation)、音频(audio)、视频(Video)。各种媒体表现形式各不同


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