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Write the words of these numbers 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 5, 12, 20, 51, 45, 89 表达时间 6:30 7:15 11:45 表达分数 速记: 分子基数词,分母序数词。 分子大于1,分母加s. 巧记英语中十二个月份 詹妞(January)和凡伯(February)去马齿山(March)旅行,四月遇见了太阳神阿波罗(April),娶了一位妩媚(May)的新娘,带了两个丫头刘朱恩(June)和戚朱来(July),发了奥哥斯(August)的财。后来,生了儿子son(September,October,November),叫迪塞波(December)。 Special festivals in China: April,5th-Pure Brightness(清明节) 5.5 -the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) 8.15-the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) 9.9-the Double Ninth Festival (重阳节) in/on/at表示时间 In用于年.月.季前。(时间较长时) eg: in 2010, in March, in spring, in the 21st century In the morning/afternoon/evening,in one’s life, in the daytime, in the future. 1. Hong Kong returned to our motherland _____ July 1st,1997. 2. You’d better not go to work ____ breakfast, for it’s bad for your health. 3. Betty arrived ____ London ____ the evening of June 1st. 4. _____ a snowy night, a rabbit went out to look for some food. 5. We flighted overnight to Paris and arrived ____ 5 o’clock ____ the next morning. Read books of Units7-9 for 5 minutes What colors do you know? red/green/yellow/blue/ black/white, pink/purple, gray, kinds of movies words fun/funny fun [U]“乐趣,有趣的人或物”: adj.有趣的 funny adj. “滑稽的,可笑的.”不表示enjoyable 1. Sailing is good _____. 2. She’s very lively and full of _____. 3. -What do you think go to London for vacation? -Sound like ______. 4. The party was great _____. 5. That’s __________ thing I’ve ever heard. 6. “What’s so _______?” She asked. success/succeed/successful/successfully 1. What’s the secret of your _______? 2. They were _________ in winning the contest. 3. I tried to discuss it with her but only _______ in making her angry. 4. We have _________ helped the people in the earthquake. cloth/clothes/clothing/dress cloth [U]“布料” Clothes 最常用,复数名词.指具体的衣服,不可与数词连用. 可用many, these, some 修饰.一套衣服– a suit of clothes. Clothing [U]衣服的总称,集合名词.除衣服外,还指鞋,帽,袜类. Dress 常指妇女儿童的服装,或社交场合穿的衣服. 1. She bought some white _____ to make an evening____


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