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单项填空题型的实用解题技巧 要正确审题,从理解语境出发,判断该题考查的是哪方面的知识,找准突破口。 技巧一 善于运用“还原法” 技巧二 弄清句式结构,排除多余信息 技巧三 巧用“排除法” 技巧四 找准“关键词”,抓住“题眼 ” 技巧五 利用标点符号找答案 技巧六 突破思维定势,仔细追根溯源 技巧七 注意英汉差异,排除母语干扰 Error statistics in your Multiple Choice Questions exercise 1.China wants ______great say in the decision-making in the International Monetary Fund and tougher regulations on _____financial system in wealthy countries to prevent future problems. A. a; the B. the; / C. a ; / D. the ; the 2. _______ achievement, last year’s ministerial meeting of the WTO in Geneva earned a low, though not failing, grade. A. In terms of B. In case of C. In search of D. In face of 3. ---- I hear you _______ at Smith’s. ----Yes, I ______there for about three months. A. work; had been working B. worked; was working C. are working; have been working D. worked; have worked 【真题示例】(2009 浙江) Over the past decades, sea ice __________ in the Arctic as a result of global warming. A. had decreased B. decreased C. has been decreasing D. is decreasing 4. Praise is like sunlight to children ; without ______ they can’t grow up happily. A. it B. which C. them D. that [实战演练] A) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of _____ was reasonable. B) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase; the price of _____ was reasonable. C) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase and the price of _____ was reasonable. 5. No one _______enter the national lab without written permission from the prime minister, according to the new lab management rule. A. must B. will C. shall D. may 6. Mr. Black took the police back to the same place ______ she witnessed the robbery. A. that B. as C. where D. when 7. They w


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