[英语学习]chapter 1 Introduction to style.ppt

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[英语学习]chapter 1 Introduction to style

Ⅰ. Style 1. Proper words in Proper places make the true definition of a style. ---Jonathan Swift? 2. style--- a type of choice of words, esp. which marks out the speaker, or writer as different from others. e.g. The letter expressed in a formal style. ---Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Style Style as form (Aristotle) Style as eloquence (Cicero) Style is the man (Buffon) Style is personal idiosyncrasy (Murry) Say the right things in the most effective way (Enkvist) Style as the choice between alternative expressions (Enkvist) Style as equivalence (Jakobson) Style Style as foregrounding (Leech and short, Mukarovsky) Style as deviation (Mukarovsky Spitzer) Style as prominence (Halliday) Style as the selection of features partly determined by the demands of genre, form, theme, etc. (Traugott and Pratt) Style as the linguistic features that communicate emotions and thought (Liu Shisheng 刘世生 ) Definition of style In its most general interpretation, the word style has a fairly uncontroversial meaning: it refers to the way in which language is used in a given context, by a given person, for a given purpose, and so on. Two meanings style--- according to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, “style” assumes two meanings: 1) variation in a person’s speech or writing. Style usually varies from casual to formal according to the type of situation, the person or persons addressed, the location. the formal style or a colloquial style, is sometimes referred to as a stylistic variety. style 2) Style can also refer to a particular person’s use of speech (idiolect) or writing at all times or to a way of speaking or writing at a particular period of time. Dickens’ style, the style of Shakespeare, an 18th century style of writing. 风格和文体 “文体”和“风格”在汉语中原为两个概念,前者是谈文章类别和体裁的语言特征,后者谈作家和作品的语言特征,在英语中均用Style一词表达。就像汉语区分“姐姐”和“妹妹”,在英语中都叫做sister一样。当然,style 还有“文风”的意义,更是一词多义。 风格和文体 在实



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