[英语学习]lecture9 tourism translation new.ppt

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[英语学习]lecture9 tourism translation new

1.Features of tourism texts Tourism is the business of providing services such as transportation, places to stay or entertainment, for people who are on holiday. So tourist texts refer to texts adopted in, used for and related to tourism, including advertisements, motivations, customer letters and related contracts, tourist schedules, tourist slogans, public signs and information about scenic spots. Linguistic features of Chinese and English tourist texts 1.1 Chinese tourist texts (1) Flowery style of writing pompous diction and the abuse of adjectives, four-character phrases. Enjoyable and readable for Chinese; superficial for English speaking people. (2) Abundant quotation of poems, celebrities’ remarks, anecdotes, legends, allusions, etc. Enjoyable and appealing for Chinese. Confuse the foreigners. ? 2、平都为古代巴子别都,因其地处秦,楚争雄要地,承蒙黄河、长江文化孕育,秦风楚韵,蜀气巴魂,多有浸润。据北宋大文豪苏东坡游览丰都时所写“平都天下古名山”诗句而改称“名山”至今。自汉代阴长生、王方平居名山修道成仙之说而讹传“阴、王”二人为“阴王”,阴间之王居所即“鬼都”。? 3、唐代大诗人李白写就“下笑世上士,沉魂北丰都”诗句,更使鬼城之名远扬。经明清小说的渲染,更加神秘怪诞。鬼城仿阳间司法体系,营造了一个等级森严,融逮捕、羁押、庭审、判决、教化功能为一炉的阴曹地府。惩治生前作奸犯科者。虽阎王判官小鬼只传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人门所称道。景区林木苍翠,建筑精美,磐鼓晨钟,江山一脉;朝霞夕照,风光醉人,庙宇殿堂神像森罗,楼台亭阁依山而立;名人骚客流墨遗雅,碑刻诗联韵味隽永。? (3)Too much description and less substantial information (4)Low frequency of using second person pronoun 游人结束武夷山风景区游览后,如有时间可前往相邻的泰宁金湖国家级风景名胜观光。 1.2 English tourist texts Plain and natural style Informative, appealing, short and concise, clear and well-organized and high frequency of using second person pronouns (1)informative (2)appealing Lively and vivid so that they can present the most outstanding features of the tour or the service and can easily attract the prospective tourist to visit the scenic spots. Now owned by Six Continents Hotels, the name Holiday Inn goes from strength to strength. Its the choice of millions, including politicians and pop stars, because they know its name is a reassurance of a global standard of value and quality. Holiday Inn has a fascinating history and a fantastic future, beca


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