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Unit7 British Education System 10级英语教育三班 温琳琳、敬元浩、王真真、刑辉 The University of Cambridge The University of Cambridge The famous River Cam flows through it, and its also wandering the shore of the River Cam. In which the century-old institution has a long history and classical architectures are all everywhere. Tall beautiful campuses, solemn churches and the red-brick houses with crawling ivy are standing in the green trees and flowers all over the town. These are with luxuriant vegetation, antique flavor. How intoxicating they are! 著名的康河横贯其间,徜徉在剑河岸边,历史悠久的百年学府和经典建筑俯仰皆是,那高大精美的校舍、庄严肃穆的教堂和爬满青藤的红砖住宅都矗立在满城的绿树红花间,春色葱茏,古意盎然,令人沉醉。 The University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in England and the fourth oldest in the world. Academically, Cambridge has been ranked one of the worlds top five universities, the leading university in Europe, and contends with Oxford for first place in UK league tables.. 英国剑桥大学是英国第二古老的大学和世界第四最古老的。 在学业上,剑桥一直排在世界前5所大学之一,在欧洲领先的大学,在英国排行榜首位与牛津争辩。 Geography Cambridge is about 50 miles (80 km) north-by-east of London. The city is located in an area of level and relatively low-lying terrain just south of the Fens, which varies between 6 meters (20 ft) and 24 meters (79 ft) above sea level. The River Cam flows through the city north from the village of Grant Chester. The name Cambridge is derived from the river. Like most cities, modern-day Cambridge has many suburbs and areas of high-density housing. Many of the roads in the centre are pedestrianised. 剑河(“也叫康河”)穿城而过,连接起大部分历史悠久的古老学院,从南到北,依此是Queens, Kings, Clare, Trinity Hall, Trinity, St Johns, Magdalene,远处则是著名的剑桥大学图书馆Cambridge University Library。 校徽 校训: (拉丁文)Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (英文)Here light and sacred draughts 此地乃启蒙之所和智慧之源 Hugh Balsam, Bishop of Ely, founded Peter house in 1284, Cambridge’s first college. Many colleges were founded during the fourteenth and fifteenth ce


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