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* 常跟双宾语的动词有: (需借助to的)bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise,?return, send, show, teach, tell, write, ask,等。 (需借助for 的) buy, call, cook, choose, draw, find, get, make, order,?sing, save, spare,等。 Practice 1.I’ll find you a good chance. 2. She promised me a nice gift. 3. Please pass me the book. I’ll find a good chance for you She promised a nice gift to me Please pass the book to me. ?1. Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。 ?2. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 ?3. Mary把钱包交给校长了。 ?4. 请把那本字典递给我好吗? ?5. 他把车票给列车员看。 Mr. Johnson taught us German last year. Grandma told me an interesting story last night. Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. Would you please pass me the dictionary? He showed the ticket to the conductor. 6. 这个学期我已经给父母写过三封信了。 ?7. 我父亲已经给我买了一辆新自行车。 ?8. Robinson Crusoe 给自己做了一只小船。 ? 9. 我替你叫辆出租汽车好吗? 10. 新式机器将会为你节省许多劳动。 This term I have written three letters to my parents. My father has bought me a new bike. Robinson Crusoe made himself a boat. Shall I call you a taxi? The new machine will save you a lot of labour. 5. 定语(Attributive) 用来修饰和限定n。 a sunny day, beautiful flowers, interesting stories a stone table, women teachers, boy/girl students the ball behind the door, the cloud in the sky, This is the book that I’m looking for. adj. n. 介词短语 6. 状语( Adverbial) 用来修饰v. adj. adv.或整个句子,表示时间、地点、目的、方式、程度等。 He speaks English very fast. The old man walks slowly. work hard adv. 状语通常由adv.充当。 7. 补语(Complement) 用来补充说明主语或宾语。 I saw a boy climb the wall. I saw a boy climbing the wall. The film made us cry. (We are made to cry by the film.) We all think him a good boy. I find the test difficult. She heard her name called. v. 现在分词 动词不定式 n. adj. 过去分词 Practice找出句子成分 1 It will rain this afternoon. 2 He hasn‘t finished the work. 3 The room was a mess . 4 Our teacher gave us a good story. 5 They made Jim a good boy. 6 We keep the trees green. 课堂小结及作业 词类缩写 句子成分缩写及辨认 预习五大基本句型做完书本练习 5. Subject Verb Direct object Object complete


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