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many students use computers only to play e-games and browse porn websites, which causes harm to their mind. (172 words) From the analysis above, we can conclude that there are still some problems with student use of computers. To begin with, many students still have no computers of their own. What’s more, Model Composition Practice: Income sources between Chinese and American Students Model Composition Model Composition Model Composition Assignment Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic The Old and Sick Living in Nursing Homes. You should write at least 120 words and base your essay on the graph and outline (given in Chinese) below: Outline: (1)描述图表的变化趋势 (2)说明发生这些变化的原因 (3)得出结论 Percentage of the Old and Sick Living in Nursing Homes Para. 1 There is a tendency among adult couples to send their parents to nursing homes when they are old and sick. As can be seen from the graph, in 2000 nearly 52 percent of the old and sick parents were placed in nursing homes. Since 1980 it has been increasing rapidly. In the past twenty years, it has gone up more than 10 times. sample There are several reasons for the increase. Firstly, with the quickening pace of modern life and fierce competition of society, adult children are often too busy with their own families and their work to give adequate time to the old and sick. Living at home the old and sick can’t be taken proper care of. Secondly, the old and sick living in nursing homes can receive better service and more intensive care of the professional nurses, which will be beneficial for their health. In addition, the old and sick will be much happier in nursing homes because they can talk and play with the people of their age all day and won’t suffer boredom and loneliness. Para. 2 From the analysis above, we can safely conclude that it’s a tendency for


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