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* * 1.Writing Principles of Business letter 7 C’s * * Clarity Clarity :Avoid using words which have ambiguous meanings . e.g . As to the steamers sailing from HK to San Francisco , we have bimonthly(1.隔月的 2. 一月两次)direct services . a). We have two direct services sailings from HK to San Francisco every month . b). We have a direct service sailing from HK to San Francisco every two months . * * Conciseness Using concise sentences and fewest words without losing completeness and courtesy to express meaning clearly . Wordy Concise We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter we appreciate your letter * * Courtesy Promptness /Punctuality will please your customers . You-attitude We-attitude: we allow 2% discount. You-attitude : You earn 2% discount . “We” serves as the subject of the sentence and it speaks from the first person. The verb “allow ” means that one can not do sth. Unless he can get permit from writer. While in the second sentence , “you” is used as subject . “earn” means that it is profitable to conduct this business deal . * * 2.Envelope Sender’s VIA AIR MAIL STAMP name and address Receiver’s name and address Post Notation * * Envelope Addressing The Return Address is printed in the upper left corner. The receiver’s name should be typed half down the envelope. Stamp is placed in the up-right hand corner while the bottom left hand corner is for post notation . (邮票贴在信封右上角, 右下角是寄送注明) * * post notation Private 亲启 Personal 私函 Confidential 密件 * * Envelope Addressing The address order is contrary to that on Chinese envelope. The name of addressee 收信人姓名 The number of house and name of road 门牌号码, 街道 The town or district 乡镇, 区 City /province /state and postcode 城市, 省份, 邮政编码 Country 国名 * * 门牌号码前不加“No:”字样, 数字后也不加逗号。Road , Street , Avenue 通常可简写成Rd. , St., Ave . 中山大道158号 * *


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