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Unit 8 You Go Your Way, I’ll Go Mine 各走各的路 I.?Word Study and Word Building 1. tragic a. 悲惨的;悲剧的 e.g. The audience wept over the heroine’s tragic fate. Pan Hong is known as a tragic actress. It was a tragic mistake for Othello to kill his wife out of jealousy. 2. immediately ad. at once 立即,马上 e.g. Relief work started immediately after the earthquake. Where are you going? The meeting will begin immediately. 3. implication n. sth. hinted but not stated 含义 e.g. A good diplomat should be able to tell the implication behind a statement. Her face grew white immediately after understanding the implication of the news. 4.?shock (v.) 使(某人)震惊 e.g. I was shocked at the news of her arrest / to hear of her arrest. Mrs. Ernest was shocked to find her daughter in bikini. (n.) (1)?? sudden disturbance of feelings 震惊 e.g. Mrs. Ernest never recovered from the shock. The news was such a great shock that she dropped her cup. (2)?violent blow or shaking 震动,震荡;电震,电击 e.g. Mental patients receive electric shocks as a kind of treatment. The shock of the bomb can be felt from a distance. 5.?deliver v. (1)?? 交付,递送,投递 e.g. As a rule the newspaper boy delivers papers to the door. I’d like you to deliver a message for me. (2)??give forth in words发表;表达 e.g. The audience waited in eagerness for him to deliver his opinion. (3)?接生,帮助产下(婴儿) e.g. In Thailand, policemen must learn how to deliver babies in case of emergency. 6.?extend v. (1)?? hold out 伸出 e.g. The baby extended her arms to embrace the mother. The hostess extended her hand in greeting. (2)?make longer 延长,延伸,伸展 e.g. I plan to extend my stay in France to two months. The subway will soon be extended to the suburbs. (3) 致;提供;给与;施与 e.g. The Prime Minister extended warm welcome to the foreign guests. Thank you for the invitation you extended to me. Compare: extend v. 可引伸为“扩展(势力\范围)”, 原意是直线状的伸展 expand v. 扩大,扩张,指面或体的伸展 spread v. 传播,散布(消息\疾病等) stretch v. 伸手;撑大,涨大,拉长, 指由曲而直或


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