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A Coursebook on Pragmatic Translation 英汉— 汉英应用翻译综合教程 授课人:贺鸿莉 Lecture 1 Introduction to Translation I. What is Translation? 1. A story of translation in Bible Long long ago, all the people speak the same language . When they transferred to the east, they found a plain and then lived there. They decided to build a tall tower, so that it can stretch to the heaven and they can live in the heaven. When Jesus saw this, he was afraid that if all the people speak the same language, they can do everything they want. So Jusus went down from the heaven and confused their languages so they couldn’t communicate with each other and they didn’t finish the Bable Tower. Since then, people lived in different places and spoke different languages. Hence comes the translation. 《圣经》中的创世纪载有这样一则故事: 洪水消落以后,诺亚的子孙在地球上繁衍生息,分住在不同的部落。当时天下人操同一口音,讲同一种语言。他们往东迁移的时候,在示拿发现一片平原,便在平原上居住下来。他们商量烧制砖块,合上灰泥,修建一座城池和一座高塔,塔顶要通天,以便扬名天下,不致分散居住在地上。 这时,耶和华临界,看见人们正在修建通天塔。耶和华想:这些人若讲一种语言,凡事便可心想事成,无可不为了。耶和华便下界,弄乱了人们的语言,让他们言语不通,交际受阻,同心也无法同力;于是,通天塔也就半途而废。人们只得按耶和平共处的意愿,离开这座城池,分散到世界各地,讲着各自的语言。 从此以后,世界上的语言五花八门。语言的隔阂阻碍着人类交往,阻碍着文化交流也阻碍着文明的发展。但亘古以来,人类从未停止沟通语言和交流文化的活动,这活动便是翻译。 2. Some Definitions of Translation:(翻译的定义和内涵) 中文的“翻译”一词词义丰富,可表达四种不同的含义: Translating 翻译过程 A translation 译作 Translation 翻译(包括翻译过程和该过程的产品) Translator 译者 What is translation? A bookish man tends to resort to the definitions found in the dictionaries. He then would believe that translation means: Changing (speech or writing) from one language into another. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English); Giving the meaning of (sth said or written) in another language. (The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English); Expressing in another language, systematically, retaining the original sense. (Amercian Heritage Dictionary). All these definitions are simple and straightforward and they do help us understand translation in some sense. But we can never start any scientific res


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