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brim with be or become full to the brim注满 E.g. His eyes brimmed with tears. 他热泪盈眶。 raise sb.’s hackles make sb. angry惹毛,激怒 E.g. Criminals who take advantage of senior citizens really raise people’s hackles, because they’re preying on one of our most vulnerable population groups. 那些专门对老年人下手的罪犯实在激起了民愤, 因为老人是弱势群体。 dredge up bring up; to mention something unpleasant from the past; to “Drag up old stories” 旧事重提 E.g. The old man likes to dredge up the sad facts of the past, which Tom finds irrelevant and annoying. 老人喜欢提及旧时伤心往事,这点让汤姆觉得既多余又讨厌。 考试时间: 2012年6月12日 (周二) 13:00-15:00 考试地点: 闵行2教231室 * 注意:带好2B铅笔和黑色水笔 18. exert oneself: make a great effort or work hard to do something Examples: Youngsters get so absorbed that they don’t realize how much they’re exerting themselves, both physically and mentally. I think that you’ll have to exert yourself more if you really want to pass the entrance examination. 19. abysmally: extremely; utterly Examples: The group for the most part found the standard of education abysmally low. The mistake he had made on that occasion was abysmally foolish. 20. zenith: highest point; peak Examples: Being elected mayor was the zenith of his political career. As its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole Europe. 21. becomingly: properly; suitably Examples: Her dress was of blue silk, quite light, and becomingly open at the neck. All the girls were dressed becomingly at the dinner party. 22. in the nick of time: only just in time; at the last moment Examples: The doctor arrived at the couple’s house in the nick of time to save their baby from choking to death. Upon hearing the sharp cry, she rushed out crazily and caught the boy in the nick of time before he fell down the stairs. 23. bolster: give support to; strengthen or reinforce Examples: The government officials have recently adopted a new policy in order that they might bolster the country’s economy. Both sides offered statistics to bolster their argument in the debate and they see


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