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Now that temptation has found its way into every facet of our life and no one is immune to its attacks, it’s wise of us to get to its root. It’s inevitable for one to be faced with various temptations in his lifetime. Have you ever managed to resist any temptation or got trapped in it? Now share your experience with your partner. Choose your friends carefully. Think about how an honorable person would act. Think about what would happen if you were caught. Think over whether what you are about to do may hurt others. Walk away from the situations where you are tempted. Remember what your parents or teachers taught you. Draw up a set of principles as a guide to all of our social conducts. The whole story ends up with a dialogue between the couple. For the husband’s part, it is no more than a change of his wife’s attitude to have his friend come again. For the wife’s part, however, it is a noble victory of reason over temptation. In the dialogue, the key point lies in the different understandings of two words—dislike and everything. penetrate (L7) vt: ① understand or discover sth. that is difficult to understand or is hidden E.g.: Science can penetrate many of nature’s mysteries. 科学可以解开很多自然之谜。 ②(into / through / to)go into or through sth. E.g.: The cold seemed to penetrate his bones. 他感到寒气刺骨。 The war penetrates every area of the nation’s life. 战争影响到这个国家生活的方方面面。 for the most part (L. 4) to impose one’s company/oneself upon sb. (L. 6) to press one’s attempt to do sth. (L. 6) for my part (L. 9) to be full of surprises (L.17) to run down (L. 24) without a suspicion/doubt that… (L. 35) make reservations about (L. 40) to drink in (L. 51) yield to/give way to the temptation (L. 58) resist/ withstand/ overcome the temptation His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is always full of surprises. 2. 他的朋友从来拿不准他什么时候会怎么做,因为他总是


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