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* 在三亚市西边20多公里处的沙滩上耸立着一块块光滑奇特的巨石,其中一块高大的立石上刻着“天涯”二字,它右边的一块卧石上则刻着“海角”二字。 2.1.2 分词短语作定语 * On the sand beach 200-odd kilometers west of the city of Sanya are many huge rocks, smooth and grotesque. One of them, a towering rock, is carved with two Chinese characters Tian Ya meaning Heavens Limit. To its right lies horizontally an enormous rock engraved with another two Chinese characters Hai Jiao meaning the Seas Margin 2.1.2 分词短语作定语 * Stepping into the main hall, one sees in the very center a sculpture of Zhang Fei in his battle robe, his big eyes staring ahead and his body bending forward a little to the left. 进入正殿,只见张飞塑像端居于中,他身穿战袍,双目圆睁,凝视前方,身子侧向左前方。 2.1.3分词在独立结构中,表示伴随状况 * The Mountain Resort at Chengde consists of a palace area, a flat area, a hill area and a lake area, each having its own features and function. 承德避暑山庄有风格迥异、用途不同的宫殿区、平原区、山区、湖区构成。 2.1.3分词在独立结构中,表示伴随状况 * With peaks rising one higher than the other, the precipitous Wudang Mountain is said to have 72 peaks, 36 cliffs and 24 caves. 武当山山势险峻,层峦叠嶂,据称有七十二峰,三十六岩,二十四洞。 2.1.4 with+现在分词,表示伴随状况 * ※泛舟于湖之上别有一番情趣。 Boating on the lake is a delight. ※ 访问名胜古迹能大开眼界。 Visiting places of historical interest is an eye-opener. 2.2 常见的结构--- 动名词 * ※ 岳阳楼的前身是三国时期的阅兵台。 The predecessor of Yueyang Tower was a structure built in the Three Kingdoms Period for reviewing military parades. 2.2常见的结构--- 动名词 * ※在深圳的中国民俗文化村里,可以欣赏歌舞表演、参与工艺品的制作并能品尝民族风味食品。 In Shenzhens China Folk Culture Village, you can watch the village shows, join in making handicrafts, and tastes different ethnic food. 2.2 常见的结构--- 动名词 * ※公元前3世纪秦始皇统一中国后,把所有城墙连接起来,形成长城。 In the 3rd century B. C, after Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified China, he linked up all the sections of the wall to form the Great Wall. 2.3 常见的结构--- 不定式 * ※张家界森利覆盖面积达97%,故此1982年被国务院命名为“国家森林公园”。 Zhangjiajie was designated as a national forest park in 1982 by the State Council of China, as 97% of its area is covered with forests. 2.4 常见的结构--- 连词 * ※庙内保存着石


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