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What is the purpose of a title? Indicate the subject of your research. Distinguish your research from others of its kind. Show continuity with preceding papers. Provide key words for indexing. 1. A nominal title A nominal title is a short phrase which encapsulates the theme of the article, which is the most common form of title used in biomedical papers. 1. A nominal title Examples: The effect of ambulatory oxygen therapy in COPD patients with transient exertional hypoxemia Relationship of interns’ working hours to medical errors The effect of an intensive smoking cessation approach on adult asthmatic patients after an acute exacerbation of asthma 2. A compound title ◆ A compound title normally consists of two phrases in succession. Most often, the initial phrase is the main title of the paper, and the second phrase serves to further delimit the theme of the paper. 1. A nominal title Examples: The effect of ambulatory oxygen therapy in COPD patients with transient exertional hypoxemia Ambulatory oxygen therapy: effectiveness in COPD patients with transient exertional hypoxemia 2. A compound title Examples: Relationship of interns’ working hours to medical errors Relationship of interns’ working hours to medical errors: a moral dilemma 1. A nominal title Examples: The effect of an intensive smoking cessation approach on adult asthmatic patients after an acute exacerbation of asthma Adult asthmatic patients: the effect of an intensive smoking cessation approach following an acute exacerbation of asthma 2. A compound title Another popular form of the compound title combines the theme of the study with the methodology. 2. A compound title Examples: Treatment Effect of Dietary Fiber on Serum Phosphorus and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients with Constipation: A Randomized Controlled Trial Analysis of Serum 10 Years Prior to 1st Diagnosis of Hepatitis C Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study The Influence of A New Standar


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