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新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson60:AT HOME在家里 英语口语学习网 886. You’re always on the phone with your mom for hours. 你总是同你妈妈打电话,一打就是几个小时。 887. I’m not dressed. 我还没有穿好衣服呢。 888. I need you to do me one more favor?. 我需要你再帮我一个忙。 889. It’s becoming really messy? in there. 那儿变得一团糟。 890. It’s your turn to cut the grass. 该轮到你除草了。 891. I’ll take the dog out for a walk. 我把狗带出去遛一遛。 892. You need to clean the floor this afternoon. 你今天下午需要扫地。 893. The refrigerator? light isn’t working. 冰箱的灯坏了。 894. We’re almost out of toothpaste?. 我们的牙膏快要用完了。 895. I just want to relax and watch TV after work. 下班后我只想看电视,放松放松。 896. What’s for dinner tonight? 今天晚餐吃什么? 897. I don’t feel like cooking tonight. 我今晚不想做饭。 898. I spent most of the afternoon taking a nap. 我下午的大部分时间都在打盹。 899. Your parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow. 你父母明天来吃晚饭。 900. Have you met our new neighbors? across the street? 你见过我们街对面的新邻居吗? 【生词解读】 1. favor n. 善意的行为;恩惠 2. messy adj. 混乱的 3. refrigerator n. 冰箱;雪柜;冷藏室 4. toothpaste n. 牙膏 5. neighbor n. 邻居;邻近的人 新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson59:AT THE BOOKSHOP在书店 871. I’m just looking for your travel section. 我在找你们书店旅游方面的书。 872. Is there a specific? book you’re looking for? 你在找某一本书吗? 873. I wanted to see what books you had about that. 我想看看关于那方面你有什么书。 874. This book is very popular right now with little boys. 现在这本书很受小男孩们欢迎。 875. This is a classic?. 这是本经典名著。 876. I want to return this book. 我想还这本书。 877. Can you gift-wrap this book? 你能把这本书礼品包装一下吗? 878. We’ll call you when your book comes in. 你的书到了,我们就会给你打电话。 879. My friend helped write this book. 我的朋友帮我写了这本书。 880. I’ve read good reviews? about that novel. 我读过一些关于那部小说很不错的评论。 881. It’s hard to find a good book about the Chinese language. 很难找到一本好的汉语方面的书。 882. Do you have any road atlases?? 你们这里有没有道路交通图册? 883. Why is this book in the psychology? section? 为什么这本书在心理学专区? 884. Do you have the first edition? of this book? 你们有这本书的第一版吗? 885. They have some forei


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