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新视野大学英语读写教程第二册(第二版)参考答案 ? ? Unit 4 第四单元 SECTION A Pre-reading Activities I wrote a story about love, and I hope you like it. The story is about a young soldier who is waiting to see a woman he has fallen in love with. I suppose it’s a lot like my other stories in that it has a happy ending. You might laugh at me for writing stories that are so sweet. But, you see, I am a deep believer in love, and I am hopeful about everyone finding it. Without love, I really don’t know what the purpose of living would be. ? 4.???? ? He is waiting to see a woman he has fallen in love with. 5.???? ? A happy ending. 6.???? ? (Open-ended.) ? Comprehension of the Text Exercise I. 1. He was waiting to see a woman who had filled a special place in his life for the past thirteen months. 2. Soon after he volunteered for military service, he received a book and a letter from this woman. 3. John Blandford was the only person to write her back. 4. She had faithfully written to John. Even when his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, without decrease. 5. As long as he received her letters, he felt as though he could survive. 6. She declined his request and explained her objection. 7. Yes, but she had asked a lady well over forty to wear the rose on her coat. 8. She wanted to make sure that John didn’t love her just for her beauty. ? Vocabulary Exercise III. 1. forbid 2. identical 3. objection 4. warmth 5. volunteers 6. overseas 7. declined 8. resisted 9. fancy 10. decrease/ decline Exercises on Web course only: 11. vanish 12. connection 13. departure 14. aboard ? Exercise IV. 1. without fail 2. volunteer for 3. as long as 4. right away 5. more than 6. am thankful… for 7. wrote back 8. forbidden from 9. vanished into 10. was free to ? Exercise V. 1. O 2. J 3. G 4. H 5. L 6. A 7. E 8. B 9. C 10. N ? Word Building Exercise VI. 1. sadness 2. weakness 3. carelessness 4. illness 5. darkness 6. kindness 7. laziness 8. nervousness ? Exercise VII. 1. noisy 2


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