[英语学习]新编大学英语4 Unit 2.ppt

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[英语学习]新编大学英语4 Unit 2

Book Four Unit Two The Power of Words Unit Two Task 1: The effect of words Task 2: The power of words Task 3: Words of encouragement Task 4: Writing notes Task 5: The power of your words In-Class Reading The Power of a Note 处理英语长句的翻译技巧 顺译分段法 写作实践 例文: Is Calling Better than Writing? 相关链接 Thanks for Your Attention! 2) (cause to) face about; turn about 使(回头);向后转 She turned round and waved to say goodbye. 她转过身挥手道别。 Translation 他们跑得太远了,所以不得不调转车头回到最后面 的那幢房子。 They’ve come on so far that they have to turn the car round and go back to the last house. spontaneous (adj.) (Line 61, Para. 15) happening naturally without outside influence or force 自发的;  自然产生的 Translation 我们的公司自愿提供了帮助。 Our company made a spontaneous offer of help. 李敖先生的演讲结束后,听众自发地报以掌声。 There was spontaneous applause at the end of Mr. Li Ao’s speech. 派生词: spontaneously (adv.) acknowledge (vt.) (Line 71, Para. 17) 1) express thanks for 表示感谢 Translation We must not fail to acknowledge his financial support to our project. 我们必须感谢他对于我们项目所提供的财政支持。 那位老人希望对您全家所提供的帮助表示感谢。 That old man wished to acknowledge the assistance offered by your family. 2) agree or admit the truth of; confess 承认;供认 He refused to acknowledge his defeat (that he was defeated). 他拒绝承认失败。 Translation 必须承认韩剧越来越受到中国年轻人的欢迎。 It is acknowledged that the South Korean TV series are becoming more and more popular among Chinese youngsters. 名词形式:acknowledgement act of acknowledging 答谢;承认 这些花是对您的恩惠略表谢意的。 The flowers are a small acknowledgement of your great kindness. Translation 我们送上少量的钱来表达对您无私帮助的谢意。 We are sending you a small amount of money in acknowledgement of your selfless help. Keep up the good work. The paper was flooded with calls and letters from people. Not surprisingly, he had a body of friends as big as Lake Erie. 再接再厉。 人们打来的电话与寄来的悼函像潮水般涌向报社。 难怪他的朋友圈子像伊利湖那么大。 The drawback with phone calls is that they don’t last. 打电话的缺点是说过的话留不住。 Our words can be read more than once, savor


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