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鄱阳湖水生生物质热解过程中碱金属析出特征 费华1,石金明2,李元林1,刘洋1 (1.江西理工大学建筑与测绘工程学院,江西 赣州 341000;2.江西省科学院能源研究所,南昌 330096) 摘 要:在管式炉上对鄱阳湖水生生物质在热解过程中碱金属的析出特征进行研究。研究结果表明苔草和凤眼莲热解过程中K和Na析出率都超过60%,K主要以无机盐形式赋存于凤眼莲中,并且其分解挥发析出发生在热解的中后期,而Na的析出率高于K,这主要是由于水生生物质中Na结合键能更低。同时,水生生物质种类也是影响K和Na析出的重要因素,其主要与K和Na在水生生物质中的赋存形态及样品结构有关,并根据水生生物质热解过程中K和Na的析出特征建立了碱金属释放的动力学模型。通过该动力学模型模拟苔草和凤眼莲在热解过程中K和Na的释放行为,发现该模型计算得到的数值与实验数据基本一致,表明该模型能够合理描述水生生物质热解过程中碱金属的析出特性。 关键词: 水生生物质;热解;碱金属;动力学模型 中图分类号:TQ 534.9 文献标志码:A Precipitation characteristics of alkali metal of aquatic biomass in Poyang Lake during Pyrolysis FEI Hua1, SHI Jinming2,LI Yuanlin1,LIU Yang1 (1. School of Architectural and Surveying Mapping Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China; 2. Institute of Energy, Jiangxi academy of Sciences, Nanchang 330096 China) Abstract: Based on the pyrolysis experiments of typical aquatic biomass in Poyang Lake with tube furnace, the precipitation characteristics of alkali metal were studied. The results show that the highest releasing percentage of sedge and eichhornia crassipes during pyrolysis is more than 60% for K and Na.K mainly exists with inorganic salt formation in eichhornia crassipes, and precipitates with inorganic salt formation in the middle and later stage of the pyrolysis reaction, Na precipitation rate was higher than K, which is mainly due to interfacial bond energy of Na lower than K. Meanwhile, aquatic biomass species are important factors for K and Na releasing ratio during pyrolysis, which is related with the combined forms of K and Na in aquatic biomass and sample structure. Dynamical model was finally constructed based on the K and Na releasing behavior of aquatic biomass during pyrolysis. Using the model, the K and Na releasing characteristics of the sedge and eichhornia crassipes pyrolysis processes were analyzed, and the K and Na releasing characteristics predicted by this model are more satisfying in depicting the experimental data. It indicates that dynam


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