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交互式网络教学系统的设计与实现 学生姓名: 班级: 指导老师: 摘要:随着科学技术和计算机网络技术的快速发展,以及终身学习的提出和人们对知识的需求不断增加。促使了网络教学的不断发展。把现有的计算机技术、网络技术和现在的教学模式相结合,就形成了一种新型的教学模式,就是网络教学模式。 交互式网络教学系统与其他网络教学的区别在于其交互性,要实现“人与人”的交互和“人与机”的交互。其区别于传统教学模式在于它不在受时间、空间的限制,而且其面向对象是各个层面的人。人们不必受到年龄和职业的限制。 本文主要研究是在网络模式下的教学系统,通过对现有网络技术和现代教学模式的分析,提出了相应的功能需求。以ASP.NET作为开发平台,将系统分为了教学模块、资源模块、作业模块和答疑模块等。 根据用户权限的不同,用户登入后进入不同的页面。实现教师教学、学生学习、在线答疑和资源共享等功能。使得网络教学更加简单、方便,解决了传统教学的局限性以满足不同用户对教学的需求。 关键词:ASP.NET 教学模式 远程教育 The design and implementation of interactive network teaching system Student name: Class: Supervisor: Abstract: The difference between the interactive network teaching system and other network teaching is its interactive, so as to realize the interaction of human and man and machine interaction. Its difference from traditional teaching mode is that it is not restricted by time, space, and its object-oriented is all levels of people. People dont have to be limited to age, and occupation. This article mainly research is under the mode of network teaching system, through the analysis of the existing network technology and modern teaching mode, put forward the corresponding functional requirements. With ASP.NET as a development platform, the system is divided into the teaching module, the resource module, operation module and answering module, etc. According to different user permissions, the user login into different pages. Teachers teaching and student learning, Answer the questions online, and resources sharing, and other functions. Make the network teaching is more simple, convenient, solved the limitations of the traditional teaching to meet the needs of different users on teaching. Keywords: ASP.NET teaching mode the remote education Signature of Supervisor: 目录 3 1.引言 3 1.1课题背景与意义 3 ?网络教学系统的发展及现状 3 1.3?课题内容 4 2.系统需求分析 5 2.1系统用户分析 5 2.2系统模块用例分析 6 3.3 系统非功能需求分析 8 3.3.1 易操作性 8 3.3.2 安全性 9 3.3.3 可靠性 9 3.3.4 实时性 9 3.交互式网络教学系统的设计 10 3.1系统的设计 10 3.1.1学习子系统 11 3.1.2教学子系统 12 3.1.3管理员子系统



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