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保油箱固定拉杠环冲模设计 摘 要 弯曲件的工序安排应根据工件形状的复杂程度﹑精度要求的高低﹑生产批量的大小,以及材料的机械性质等因素进行考虑。 保油箱固定拉杠环是一个对称弯曲件,具有良好的工艺性,不仅可以提高制件精度和节省原材料,而且大大简化弯曲工艺过程和模具设计。 此套模具的总体设计思想是把经济、合理、实用作为最基本的出发点,从坯料排样到模具设计与制造,都严格遵循。 整套模具设计过程,涉及到许多工序。零件工艺性分析首先考虑制件的精度要求,然后对各尺寸以及形状进行分析;工艺方案拟定显得尤为重要,关系到设计的成败;各工艺参数的计算和确定必须做到有据可依,以确保计算结果的可靠性;模具的设计与制造,需考虑实际生产的可操作性制造加工的难易程度,以及其维护的方便程度来确定每个零件的形状和整套模具的结构形式。 随着工业的发展,汽车行业的兴起,弯曲工艺将会日益突出它的重要性。 关键词:弯曲,思想,要求,工序,设计 Assuare that the fuel tank draws the thick stick and surrounds the trimming die to design regularly abstract Arrange to follow the complexity of the form of the work piece in crooked process of one. Level that the precision requires. The size of production lot, and the factors, such as mechanical nature of the material ,etc. are considered. Assuare fuel tank regular to draw thick stick ring first symmetrical crooked one, have good crafts, not only can improve and make a precision and save the raw materials but also simplify the crooked craft course and mold design greatly . This set overall design philosophy of mould economy, rational practical to regard the most basic starting point as, arrange kind from the blank to mould design and manufacture, all follow strictly. A whole set of mould design process, involve a lot of processes. The craft of the part is analysed: Consider precision to make piece require , analyse to every size and form at first; Draft that seems particularly important, concern the success or failure designed in craft scheme; Every craft calculation and confirm and must accomplish and have and according to can be depended on, so as to ensure the dependability of the result of calculation of parameter; Design and manufacture of mould, need effectiveness complexity that manufacture processed produced actually to consider, and its one that maintained helped the degree confirm the form of each part and structure form of a whole set of mould . With the development of industry, the rise of the automobile trade, the crooked craft will stress its impor



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