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摘要 太阳能是一种无污染且又取之不尽、用之不竭的绿色能源,其主要利用方式是太阳能光伏发电。太阳能光伏技术是把太阳的光能转换成电能的主要方式。光伏电池是太阳能发电的核心部分,对光伏电池输出特性进行深入广泛的研究具有重要意义。因此,作为太阳能电池及其相关产品的生产、研究过程中的重要设备,高性能太阳能电池测试系统的研制有着十分重要的意义。 本文的重点在于利用DSP设计一种低成本、高可靠性和高灵活性的光伏电池测试系统。首先对光伏电池测试系统的基础理论进行介绍;然后详细地阐述了光伏电池测试系统硬件电路的方案设计、模块划分、硬件选型和相应模块电路的具体实现,并给出了DSP控制软件各部分的功能和具体的实现。为下一步开发出能满足研究人员实际需要的光伏电池测试系统搭建一个框架和系统平台。 目前,太阳能电池测试电路从功能上基本达到了设计目标,今后的工作主要是将新的测试方法在测试电路上实现,更好地满足研究人员对太阳能电池测试电路的需求。 关键词:光伏电池,测试系统 ,硬件电路,软件电路 Abstract As a clean and inexhaustible green energy, most using mode of solar energy is photovoltaic generation. Photovoltaic cell is the hard core of solar electric power generation, so the thorough research on output characteristics is of far reaching importance. As the key equipment for the production, research of solar cell, it is important to develop a solar cell testing system with high performance. The focus of this paper was to design a low-cost, high reliability and flexibility hardware platforms for the photovoltaic (PV) cell testing system by using the DSP. At first, the basic theory of the PV cell testing system was introduced. And then, the formula design, function division, hardware selection and the specific module circuits’ achievement for the PV cell and the DSP controlling program were described in detail. A framework and system platform has been established in this paper for the further development of the testing system of the solar PV cell to meet the researchers’ actual requirements. At present, the basic functions of solar cell testing circuits have achieved. Applying the new methods introduced before to the solar cell testing circuits will be the primary work in the next period. Key words:PV cell; testing system; hardware circuit; software circuit 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 能源现状与太阳能光伏发电 1 1.2 太阳能电池测试设备现状 3 1.3 本课题的来源及所做工作 4 2 太阳能光伏电池的原理和特性 6 2.1 光伏电池的光伏效应原理 6 2.2 太阳能电池的等效电路 7 2.3 光伏电池的输出特性 8 2.3.1光谱响应 9 2.3.2光伏电池的I- V和P-V特性曲线 9 2.3.3光照强度对光伏电池输出特性的影响 10 2.3.4温度对光伏电池输出特性的影响 11 2.4 光伏发电系统 12 2.4.1光伏发电系统的



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