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毕 业 设 计
题 目 台灯灯罩注塑模具设计
英文题目 Injection Mold Design of the
shade of Desk Lamp
院 系 机械与材料工程学院
专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化
姓 名
年 级
摘 要
This article mainly introduced the injection mold design of the shade of desk lamp. The shade of desk lamp is a plastic component. Its material is the plastic ABS. According to the molding characteristics of the plastic ABS and the requirements of the product, a detailed technical analysis was carried out on the product, the key points of the die structure design are given, and the important parameters of the related mold structures and the injection molding machine were strictly checked. The appropriate die set was chosen. The design of the lateral core-pulling mechanism, gating system, release mechanism and resetting mechanism was described. The design of die, punch, cavity, and core was introduced in detail. Also the design of the exhaust system was discussed. Moreover, the cooling system was inspected and calculated, and a reasonable cooling waterway was designed. Finally, a set of mold assembly diagram and the diagrams of main parts were drawn.
【Key words】Injection mold; Lateral core-pulling mechanism; Gating
system; Shade of desk lamp; Assembly diagram
目 录
前 言 1
第一章 概论 2
1.1 模具在工业生产中的地位 2
1.2 现代模具技术的发展趋势 2
1.3 我国的模具行业的现状 3
1.4 我国模具行业的发展趋势 3
第二章 塑料罩的结构设计 4
2.1 设计要求 4
2.2 注塑模具成型的可行性分析及修改 5
2.2.1 产品选择 5
2.2.3 圆角设计 6
2.2.4 塑件壁厚分析 6
第三章 模具结构设计 8
3.1 确定分型面的位置 8
3.2 型腔数量和排列方式 8
3.3 脱模机构方案的确定 8
3.3.1 脱模机构的设计原则 9
3.3.2 脱模机构的设计 9
3.4 侧型芯与滑块的设计 9
3.4.1 侧型芯设计 9
3.4.2 滑块设计 10
第四章 注塑机型号的选择
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