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XXX毕业设计(论文) 基于.NET的超市管理系统的设计与实现 学 生: 学 号: 专 业: 班 级: 指导教师: XXX计算机学院 二O 一 六年六月 基于.NET的超市管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要 在市场经济中,销售是超市运作的重要的一个环节,为了能更好地推动销售,获得利益,很多超市都成立了分公司或实行代理制,然后再通过分公司或代理商把各种商品推向最终用户。这些分公司都分散在全国各地,有的甚至是在国外,那么超市间远距离的、频繁的业务信息交流是常态。对于以前的传统方式,主要使用电话、传真等方式传递订货与退货以及其他的业务等信息,总公司需要搜集到各分部的各类信息,并对这些信息加以整理分析,才能更好掌握到整个公司的情况。 这种传统的信息传递与管理方式效率比较低,而且可靠性、安全性和保密性等都不能满足超市实现这种高效管理要求,数据统计时间滞后也是一个问题,所以往往是领导发现运营出现问题时,就已经过了问题出现的时间。就算是没有分部的小超市,这种传统的手工方式管理效率也比较低,同样会存在问题。通过超市管理系统,能够使得各管理者可以更及时的发现已经存在的问题并解决它,这样能更高效的管理。 基于.NET的超市管理系统阐述如下:该项目主要包括资料管理与采购管理,销售管理和库存管理,帐务管理和应收款管理,以及应付款管理,经营分析,零售管理和系统管理十大功能模块。 关键词:SQL;超市管理;C#.NET The design and implementation of supermarket management system based on .NET ABSTRACT In the market economy, sales are an important link in the operation of the supermarket, in order to better promote sales, access to benefits, many supermarkets established branch or agency system is implemented, and then through the branches or agents of the various products onto the end user. These branches are scattered all over the country, and some even in foreign countries, so the distance between the supermarket, frequent business information exchange is the norm. For the traditional way before, the main use of telephone and fax information transfer order and returns and other business, the corporation need to collect all kinds of information of each segment, and the information summarized, in order to better grasp the whole company. The traditional information transmission and management efficiency is relatively low and reliability, security and confidentiality, etc. cannot satisfy the supermarket to achieve the demand of effective management, the statistical time lag is also a problem, and so is often leading to the discovery of operator, has been the problem of time. Even if there is no branch of small supermarkets, the traditional way of manual management efficiency is relatively low, there will be problems. Through the supermarket



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