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编号: 毕业设计说明书 题 目: 基于单片机的智能 火灾报警系统设计 院 (系): 信息与通信学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 工程师 题目类型:?理论研究 ?实验研究 ?工程设计 ?工程技术研究 ?软件开发 2013年6月5日 摘 要 随着社会的发展,城市建设的扩大化,电子产品以及各类燃气在人们生活中的使用也越来越广泛,由此引起的火灾也愈加泛滥,使我们的生活环境到处潜伏着火灾隐患。智能火灾报警系统增强了我们在生活中的安全感,本设计课题是基于单片机的智能火灾报警系统,设计一个火灾报警系统,实现遇到火情时能够及时进行声光报警,还可以根据所应用的环境手动设置火灾报警系统的报警条件,即可手动设置火灾报警系统的报警温度的上下限,与可触发声光报警的烟雾浓度等级,并可在显示屏上显示当前温度示数与当前烟雾浓度等级。本文详细介绍了该设计的方案选择以及实用性的完善等问题。 整个系统设计分为硬件和软件两部分。硬件部分由STC12C5A60S2单片机主控电路、按键电路、显示电路、报警电路、温度检测电路、烟雾检测电路、电源供电电路、EEPROM存储电路、时钟电路、串口电平变化电路共十个模块组成。系统以单片机STC12C5A60S2为控制核心,采用DS18B20温度传感器与MQ-2烟雾传感器进行数据采集,利用OLED有机发光二极管显示屏进行相关数据显示,并且在使用的市电断电时还可采用备用电源供电,保障智能火灾系统的正常工作。软件部分,采用了C51高级语言进行程序设计,并实现了串口通信与上位机控制功能,使系统具有良好的可控性与灵活性。 Abstract with the development of the society, the expansion of city construction, the use of electronic products and all kinds of gas in peoples life is becoming more and more widely, the resulting fire also increasingly rampant, make our living environment lurk everywhere fire hazards. Intelligent fire alarm system can enhance our sense of security in life, is applied to a variety of occasions. this design topic is the intelligent fire alarm system based on single chip microcomputer, a fire alarm system design and implementation meet fire can carry on the audible and visual alarm in time, can also according to the application environment of manually alarm condition of the fire alarm system, you can manually set the fire alarm system, alarm temperature of upper and lower limits and triggers the acousto-optic alarm, smoke concentration level, and on the LCD screen shows the current temperature readings and the smoke concentration level. This paper introduces in detail the design scheme selection and the improvement of the practical problems. the whole system is divided into two parts of hardware and software design. Hardware part consists of STC12C5A60S2 sing


gz2018gz + 关注


