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题目: 基于物联网的PM2.5实时监测系统的设计
学 院: 信息科学与工程 专 业: 电子信息工程 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 二○一四年六月
摘 要
关键词: PM2.5; Arduino单片机; 实时监测; 物联网
PM2.5 refers to the particles in the atmosphere whose diameters are equal to or less than 2.5 microns, which are also called inhalable particles. Compared with other air pollutants, PM2.5 has smaller diameter and stays in the atmosphere for a longer time. It also has large amount of toxic, harmful substances. So the impact on human health and environmental quality is more remarkable, and has been highly concerned by the people all over the world. However, for the research related to PM2.5 now are still focusing on the development of detecting methods and devices, which are either expensive or massive. Some of the studies on developing monitoring systems based on the Internet cannot be widely used.
The design in this thesis aims to develop a small-size, low-cost, PM2.5 monitor, which makes use of the Internet of Things to display real-time monitoring results in a portable way for users to evaluate the air quality. The key point of the design is to use a cheap and powerful Arduino micro controller, which is dedicated for sensor applications, to control the sampling and transmission of PM2.5. The main work includes: designing the circuit to connect Arduino micro controller and sensor hardware; coding to realize the air pollutants sampling by PM2.5 sensor under the control of Arduino; coding to transmit sensor data over the network to the Leweiso, which is a implementation of Internet of things; Configuring Leweiso, including setting gateways, adding or dele
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