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太阳能在城市道路照明中的应用 学生姓名: XXX 学生学号: XXXXXXXXXXX 院(系): 电气信息工程学院 年级专业: XXXXXXXXX 指导教师: XXXX 副教授 二〇〇六年六月 摘 要 随着世界能源危机的加剧,各国都在寻求解决能源危机的办法,一条道路是寻求新能源和可再生能源的利用;另一条是寻求新的节能技术,降低能源的消耗,提高能源的利用效率。 太阳能是地球上最直接最普遍也是最清洁的能源,太阳能作为一种巨量可再生能源,每天达到地球表面的辐射能大约等于2.5亿万桶石油,可以说是取之不尽、用之不竭。LED的光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频段,所以发光效率高,一般人都认为,节能灯可节能4/5是伟大的创举,但LED比节能灯还要节能1/4,这是固体光源更伟大的改革,太阳能LED照明集成了太阳能与LED的优点。 本文对太阳能LED路灯系统的应用做了较深入探讨与介绍。 关键词 太阳能电池,LED,铅酸蓄电池,充放电控制器 ABSTRACT Turn worse along with the energy crisis of world, all countries are all at look for the way of solve the energy crisis, a road is look for the new energy and can renewable energy of exploitation;Another is to look for the new economy energy technique, lowering the depletion of the energy, raising the exploitation efficiency of the energy. The solar energy is the most directly the most widespread is also the most detergent energy on the earth, the solar energy be a kind of huge quantity can renewable energy, attain the radiation of the Earth surface and can be equal to 2.5 a petroleum of hundred millions about everyday, can say is take it not exhausted, use it not over .The LED spectrum is almost all concentrated in it is thus clear that the light segment, so give out light the efficiency high, the ordinary people all think, economy energy the light can economize on energy 4/5 is a great unprecedented undertaking, but the LED compare to economize on energy the light to still need to economize on energy 1/4, this is the greater reform of the solid light source.The solar energy LED illuminates to gather solar energy and LED advantage. The application of this text to the solar energy LED street lamp system did the more thorough study and introductions. Keywords solar battery,,plumbum vitriol storage battery, Charge and discharge Controller 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 目 录 1 1 绪论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2太阳能的利用可行性分析 2 1.3太阳能能源的现状及前景 4 2 太阳能路灯系统结构 6 2.1太阳能路灯的构造 6 2.2太阳能路灯的工作原理 7 2.3太阳能路灯的优点 7 3 太阳能路灯零部件选用 10



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