小学英语人教pep]三年级起点[四年级上册unit 6 meet my family ] part b let’s learn[.doc

小学英语人教pep]三年级起点[四年级上册unit 6 meet my family ] part b let’s learn[.doc

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小学英语人教pep]三年级起点[四年级上册unit 6 meet my family ] part b let’s learn[

小学英语人教PEP(三年级起点)四年级上册 Unit 6 Meet my family ( Part B Let’s learn) 赣州市滨江一校 文娟 一、教学内容: 单词和词组:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 句型:What’s your mother /father / uncle / aunt …… My mother /father / uncle / aunt … is a +职业。 二、教学目标: 1.能听、说、认、读下列单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.能掌握以下句型:What’s your mother /father / uncle / aunt …… My mother /father / uncle / aunt …… is a +职业。 3.能对自已家人的爱好与外貌特征进行描述。 4.. 能理解Let’s do 中的句型,并能根据句子做动作。 三、教学重难点: 1.重点:学习单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.难点:(1)能正确运用句型:What’s your mother /father / uncle / aunt …… My mother /father / uncle / aunt …… is a +职业。 四、教学准备: 单词卡、图片、手偶、多媒体课件,录音机和磁带。 五、教学方法:合作法、TPR全身反应、唱游法、游戏法、表演法、任务型教学法 六、教学设计理念:本课与生活联系紧密,老师通过对自已的家人介绍过渡到书本知识的学习。再由书本学习回归到学生生活中去,让学生学有所用。英语的学习是语言的学习,书本上的知识最后内化为学生脱口而出的交际语言是英语学习的目的, 七、教学过程: 一:warm up 1,Freetalk:Good morning ,children! Hello, children! What’s your name ? Nice to meet you ! Glad to meet you ! 2,chant: (T: let’s chant ,ok! Please follow me ) Father father , tall tall tall , Mother mother , short short short, Brother brother , strong strong strong, Sister sister , thin thin thin. ( please stand up ,let’s do ) [设计意图] Chant 是教师自编的,得用前面学过的家庭成员称呼和形容词,帮助学生复习旧的知识,同时为新课的学习做一个过渡的作用。简单的chant学生一学就会,边说边做动作,学生学习兴趣浓厚。 二,Presentation 1,复习旧知,区分he 和she T : This is my sister ,what’s she ? P : She is a teacher T: What’s he? P:He’s a teacher T: What’s she ? P : She’s a student T:What’s he? P : He’s a student [设计目的] 复习以前学过的职业单词,为学习新的职业单词过渡。同时向学生强调he和she的区别,为后面句型的学习做一个铺垫。 2, 学习新单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse (出示幻灯片:T: This is my father . He is a driver ) ① Teach driver a Read the word “driver Ii [ai]” b Say two by two c, Spell the word .Teacher write it . d Chinese meaning e Repeat the sentence : My father is a driver driver driver driver. ②Teach doctor a, T: This is my uncle ,what’s he ? P: He is a doctor b, R


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